Is this a good way to approach the diversity essay?

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The Deep

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5+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2018
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My personal statement touched a little bit about how religion conflicted with my LGBT identity and how I've come to be able to respect religion through my experiences, regardless of my identity. I wanted to approach the diversity essay by talking about growing up as a gay racial minority (in society, not URM) and what I've learned from that. I also wanted to touch on my experiences working with diverse groups of people (prisoners, Peace Corps, etc) and how, even though I dont live the lives of those people, I've learned effective ways to connect with them and build trust, which I could help bring to other students/staff in medical school. Is this a good approach?

Also, since each school that requests a diversity essay has a completely different character count, how long should my pre-written diversity essay be?

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My personal statement touched a little bit about how religion conflicted with my LGBT identity and how I've come to be able to respect religion through my experiences, regardless of my identity. I wanted to approach the diversity essay by talking about growing up as a gay racial minority (in society, not URM) and what I've learned from that.
Go with this and you'll be fine.
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Got it, so the addition of latter won't be effective/will weaken the overall essay, or is it just that the first topic alone is enough? I'm asking because my identity is what led me to working with diverse groups of people, so it's technically all correlated.
Also, since each school that requests a diversity essay has a completely different character count, how long should my pre-written diversity essay be?
Depends on the prompts and the range. Usually write to the shortest length.

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