June 2012 COMLEX II Scores

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Jul 23, 2012
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Took COMLEX II in June 2012. Scores still not released. Anybody hear about a delay in scoring?

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I imagine there may be a delay in scores because of the glitch that one day.

Also, I took my Step 1 on June 23rd last year and got my scores over 5 weeks after it (on a Friday), so maybe they are looking to release some this Friday (which would be the 5 week mark for the last week in June - ie the first week of Step 2 exams).
I imagine there may be a delay in scores because of the glitch that one day.

Also, I took my Step 1 on June 23rd last year and got my scores over 5 weeks after it (on a Friday), so maybe they are looking to release some this Friday (which would be the 5 week mark for the last week in June - ie the first week of Step 2 exams).

you'd think it'd be the opposite case 'cause they'd have less exams to grade...but noooo
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I'm keeping my fingers crossed that June scores will be released today! It's been approximately 4 weeks.
Just called NBOME. The lady said that the June Step II scores are "still being worked on" and I specifically asked if they would be released today. She said no. Take it for what it's worth!
They tell you scores will take 4 to 6 weeks. How is this unfair?

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They tell you scores will take 4 to 6 weeks. How is this unfair?

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I thought applications could start going out on 7/15?
And they're over 8 weeks behind; last set of scores released was for June 1st. So 57 days :(
The only thing I can fathom is that they might need a certain # of scores to be able to calculate means and Standard deviations and they might not have enough scores yet (partially due to their one day fiasco)
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I thought applications could start going out on 7/15?
And they're over 8 weeks behind; last set of scores released was for June 1st. So 57 days :(
The only thing I can fathom is that they might need a certain # of scores to be able to calculate means and Standard deviations and they might not have enough scores yet (partially due to their one day fiasco)

The first set of scores to be released from June will be from June 27th - there were no other test dates for Step 2 in that month. See the schedule here: http://www.nbome.org/exams-schedule.asp?m=coll

It has only been 4 weeks and 3 days since then.
The first set of scores to be released from June will be from June 27th - there were no other test dates for Step 2 in that month. See the schedule here: http://www.nbome.org/exams-schedule.asp?m=coll

It has only been 4 weeks and 3 days since then.

OH!! Thanks. That makes more sense. I didn't realize the first date level 2 was administered in June was the 27th. I thought they had scheduled exams throughout the month like USMLE.
I thought applications could start going out on 7/15?
And they're over 8 weeks behind; last set of scores released was for June 1st. So 57 days :(
The only thing I can fathom is that they might need a certain # of scores to be able to calculate means and Standard deviations and they might not have enough scores yet (partially due to their one day fiasco)

ERAS opened up prob around then. just so we can start working on them. The second it's 9/15 though is when you can submit your application, asap.
I'd bet $5 they release the scores the week of August 6-10. There were no CE exams until the last week of June, and it will have been 6 weeks for those folks by that time.

Plus if they wait until then mine will be released too :D
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Anybody get their scores back on Friday? Does anyone have any 2012 scores back? I took mine 7/2. It's ONLY been 4 1/2 weeks. That glitch day is probably going to delay everything to at least 6 weeks, no?
Was part of the 6/27 messup crew, they emailed us apologizing and saying our scores are coming on 8/8. I assume that everyone else's are too.

so a little bit of both haha.

Nah thanks a lot. I took mine on July 3rd and I would like to get my score as well.
Was part of the 6/27 messup crew, they emailed us apologizing and saying our scores are coming on 8/8. I assume that everyone else's are too.

I was part of the 6/27 crew and I didn't get an e-mail yet. I hope that doesn't mean I failed lol.
I was part of the 6/27 crew and I didn't get an e-mail yet. I hope that doesn't mean I failed lol.

Did you choose to retake the whole thing or only the second half? I retook only the second half so my first half was still taken on 6/27.
Uggh I wonder how long July 9th will have to wait.... I was bummed when I got on nbome website this AM and saw July 3rd, I was hoping mine would be included.
How is it that someone scores a 253 on USMLE step 2....and a 566 on the Comlex 2? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

I'm with you:
USMLE step 1: 233
USMLE step 2: 255

COMLEX step 1: 611
COMLEX step 2: 548!!!!!!!!!

I was hoping for an upward trend on COMLEX step 2 based on my USMLE score. . . So much for reliability . . . .
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