Kansas City University (KCU-COM) Discussion Thread 2016-2017

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Anyone remember if there is a "family weekend" in the spring for matriculating students? If so when?

I believe there is an "Accepted students day" in the Spring for matriculating students, and you can bring your family with you to look at the school and whatnot. From what I can remember from my interview day I believe KCU hasn't finalized a date yet because they want the KC and Joplin campuses to have the event on the same day and they're still working on Joplin development.

... or you can do what I did and trespass with your spouse! People are so nice and will hold all the doors open for you! Just dress like you belong! ;)

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Decided to write a hand-written thank you note this time, but I forgot I have terrible handwriting.

I spent a solid hour re-writing this thing until it finally looked like someone above the 3rd grade level wrote it.

Curse my chicken scratch.
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Decided to write a hand-written thank you note this time, but I forgot I have terrible handwriting.

I spent a solid hour re-writing this thing until it finally looked like someone above the 3rd grade level wrote it.

Curse my chicken scratch.

It's fine. You are already writing like a physician.

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Has anyone in the accepted 10/11-10/12 interview group received the follow up admission details yet?
Congrats! Did you chose Joplin as your first choice? I'm really unfamiliar with the area so any info you can share on the campus/community would be greatly appreciated!

I did choose the Joplin campus as my preference! It's a very close-knit community and I think the inaugural class of medical students is going to get some very unique opportunities! I like the idea of the campus because I work better in a close-knit community where I can build relationships - and I think many of the area doctors will be easy to build relationships with and are eager to invest in incoming students.
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Rejected preinterview I think.. Best of luck to everyone else and congrats to all accepted!
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I have deposits to pay :( if I interviewed 11/01 when do you think I'll hear back? The $2,000 question...

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Does anybody know when waitlisted applicants started hearing back last cycle? Also, does KCU pull many applicants off the waitlist?
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So I did a little bit of research based on what people here have said about when they were accepted.

On 10/14 people were accepted who interviewed 9/14-29

On 10/21 people were accepted who interviewed on 10/5-6

On 11/02 people were accepted who interviewed 10/11-14.

That means the committee meets every 7-12 days.

If you're like me and interviewed on the 18th, you'll be hearing back in the next round of acceptances. I estimate that those will take place any time between 11/09 and 11/14, so tomorrow or at the very latest this Friday.

Good luck to you all, I'm a terrible mixture of anxious and excited (mostly anxious) and I hope we all get good news sooner rather than later.

God bless!
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Current students: what textbooks do you recommend purchasing? Just trying to get an idea of what is necessary. Thanks!
So I did a little bit of research based on what people here have said about when they were accepted.

On 10/14 people were accepted who interviewed 9/14-29

On 10/21 people were accepted who interviewed on 10/5-6

On 11/02 people were accepted who interviewed 10/11-14.

That means the committee meets every 7-12 days.

If you're like me and interviewed on the 18th, you'll be hearing back in the next round of acceptances. I estimate that those will take place any time between 11/09 and 11/14, so tomorrow or at the very latest this Friday.

Good luck to you all, I'm a terrible mixture of anxious and excited (mostly anxious) and I hope we all get good news sooner rather than later.

God bless!
Lol the KCU adcoms are probably looking at your post going "o_O damn I don't know if this is creepy or impressive".
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is there a catalogue or something similar I can look at to understand the courses first year students take and attempt to have a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum? I cannot find it on the website. thank you
II invite today! Really excited to check this school out. I selected an interview date for next week. Will I receive a confirmation email about my interview date?

Complete 9/20 so it was 7 weeks.
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Current students: what textbooks do you recommend purchasing? Just trying to get an idea of what is necessary. Thanks!

What @AlteredScale said, plus Costanzo Medical Physiology. I love that book, especially right now in cardiopulm!

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As far as books go, most of the current students will list books for sale on your class fb page later in the second semester. The KCU book list is very impressive, and very much overkill! Unless you are on full ride military scholarship, there is no need to purchase 75% of what's in the list.

That being said, you will get tons of recommendations on what books "are important" to have. Take them all with a grain of salt and understand that while nearly everything can be had on PDF for free, some books you will use so much, it's worth the investment. Other people will highly dislike all their books on PDF. It really depends on your learning style. I learn by reading and dislike reading major passages on my iPad. If I only need a book for a chapter or 2, iPad it is, but having physical copies of costanzo, first aid, Olingers atlas, and a couple others have been life savers!

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Does anybody know when waitlisted applicants started hearing back last cycle? Also, does KCU pull many applicants off the waitlist?

I during my cycle (2014-2015) they started moving the wait list in April/may I believe. It'd be worth asking admissions if that's the same or if they will start looking earlier. They'd be happy to help :)

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Lol the KCU adcoms are probably looking at your post going "o_O damn I don't know if this is creepy or impressive".

If they'd like to PM me directly, I'll be more than happy to give them my real name if they're impressed by my detective work and feel compelled to accept such a shrewd and resourceful thinker into their program.
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Withdrawing my interview here for next week. Good luck to everyone & hope someone on here gets it!! :)
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Recently got an invitation to interview and the closest date to schedule is 2/7. I see people are withdrawing interviews here and was wondering if I could have the chance to possibly take a sooner interview. When I click on the link to schedule an interview it doesn't show any sign of being able to "change interview date" or anything like that.
Recently got an invitation to interview and the closest date to schedule is 2/7. I see people are withdrawing interviews here and was wondering if I could have the chance to possibly take a sooner interview. When I click on the link to schedule an interview it doesn't show any sign of being able to "change interview date" or anything like that.
I would call admissions and ask if you can move it any closer as students withdraw.
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Hey all, I actually interview next Wednesday at 10. I fly in the morning of and land at 8:20. If there is anyone doing the same thing do they want to split an Uber?
I was accepted a few weeks ago, but now with the new presidency, I'm a little nervous about going to school in MO as a very obviously brown person... Are my fears justified? Thanks!
I was accepted a few weeks ago, but now with the new presidency, I'm a little nervous about going to school in MO as a very obviously brown person... Are my fears justified? Thanks!

Growing up in the area and now living in the South, I can tell you you're perfectly safe in KC and way better off than here. KC was one of the friendliest places I've ever been. Growing up in the suburbs, I literally didn't think racism was a huge thing anymore until I moved away. :( part of that was just growing up and being more aware, but much of it had to do with the people in the area. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

My family is brown, too, but I don't look it. They never had issues past the 80's.

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Interviewed here today. Amazing school! Only complaint is that they didn't give us pens like all the other schools lol
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Just finished my 6th week of waiting for an II :( am I dead in the water here?
Interviewed yesterday and fell in love with the school
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If it makes you feel better as it does for me, KC was blue. As someone from the west coast I was blown away by how accepting, diverse, and open minded KC was and is from those on the right and the left. Remember that blue won the popular vote. You have more allies than not. If you get any trouble find me on campus and I'll personally kick some ass.

So you're just saying that anyone republican is racist and you'll beat them up?
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I keep rereading what he said, could you please highlight the part of his post that says this?

"Remember that blue won the popular vote. You have more allies than not. If you get any trouble find me on campus and I'll personally kick some ass."

Implying that anyone "red" is the enemy and not an ally

Look I'm not trying to start a fight. It's those small things said, like above, that create more division in our country. I've always personally believed in the freedoms we have and the peaceful transfer of power. I don't want a republican run government forever because if we wanted the same leadership forever we should just make a dictator.
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Let's not make this a political thread. There's already one of those.
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Hey i had a seemingly random question. Do most students wear just scrubs? Is it a faux pas to wear scrubs and your white coat to class? or just dress clothes a white coat?

You can wear what you want. No dress code. You will typically only wear your white coat on specific occasions/labs. I spent most of MSK in scrubs, but wear causal the rest of the time.

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Ouch... post interview rejection.... Lizzy M 67, Instate.

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I appreciate it. I have one acceptance and multiple interviews still. So it's alright. It's a testament to how important the interview is. I bombed the "why DO" question royally.

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Congrats to all those accepted!

Just a reminder to please please please keep this thread on topic. There is a discussion right now in pre allo if you want to talk politics.

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And also congrats to all those accepted! It is truly a great school.

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