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Pre-med student
7+ Year Member
Jun 27, 2016
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Hi everyone,

So I have been studying for the MCAT for the past three months, and I am taking it July 22nd. For those who have taken it in addition to the Kaplan Full Lengths, how does the difficulty compare?

My scores on the Kaplan are usually around 509, and my highest is a 511. I would really like to gain some feedback on how these differ from the actual MCAT and the AAMC tests (I will be taking the AAMC practice soon and have done some of the practice sets already).

I have read some posts that say that Kaplan questions are more challenging, but that they are more lenient scorers. What are your thoughts?:)

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With Kaplan scores around 509-511, you're probably going to destroy the MCAT.

Kaplans ability to predict scores is quite horrible so I can't really give you a +5 or +10 to your score. There's some study on here that gave ranges of increases, which were like 3-18 points from last kap test. With an average of like 13pt increase from last kap test to real thing. This was before they adjusted their scales though. I believe they're still quite deflated though.

I'd say you'll be 512+
Probably 514+
And have a shot at 516+

(Pure speculation and I don't mean to give false hope, but if I were a betting man I'd say 512+ for sure)

Edit: and obviously I'm not a betting man because that's about as conservative as a guess as I could get you'll be fine! Best of luck!

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Thank you so much!!!! That actually made me feel so much better about my capabilities. Way to make someone's day :):)
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My buddy hit 510 on Kaplans and recently got a 516 on his MCAT without doing any AAMC material. N=1 tho

I actually 'like' Kaplans tests as in I find them easier and simpler than AAMC material. Their passages are less hairier and experimental than AAMC. Try taking a NS exams and let me know what u think
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Wow that's awesome! Congrats to him...and yeah, after doing some problems in AAMC with the practice sets (especially for Psych/Soci), their questions seem a lot different than Kaplan's. And will do!