USMLE Kaplan Microbiology vs Sketchy and FA?

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Oct 1, 2016
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So.. how good is Kaplan microbiology? I heard it wasn’t good but I need to make sure before skipping on it...

Is it better to prepare using SketchyMicro and FirstAid instead?

Thank you all in advance.

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No one is gonna be able to tell you for sure what is best for you...all of those are for different styles of learning. Most people like Sketchy.
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No one is gonna be able to tell you for sure what is best for you...all of those are for different styles of learning. Most people like Sketchy.

Yes of course.
Also hearing different points of view definitely helps!
“Most people like sketchy”. I was mostly looking for someone to tell me this. To know if there is a good number of people beside me who would go with it.

I Appreciate your helpful answer my friend.

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I did not personally use sketchy and found UWorld + FA + NBMEs sufficient for micro. If you want to supplement, my experience has been that people find Sketchy Micro much more helpful than Kaplan.
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