KCOM and Daycare

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John DO

A.T. Still Endowed Chair
7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Jun 20, 2001
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For all who are interested, my wife has considered sitting for a couple of children to ease the concern others have about daycare. My wife is a licensed manicurist, but will not be working so that she can stay at home with our 2 daughters. One is six and will be in first grade, while the other is almost 2. My wife will only keep two children so that she may give them persoanl attention like we would want given to our children. However, if you have school-age children and younger ones in need of babysitting, she can pick the older ones up from school and keep them until you are out of class. We can work out a schedule that is mutually beneficial. If you're interested, email me at [email protected] . She will be charging $75/week, which is considerably less than most daycare and gives you the peace of mind that comes with not leaving them at a daycare (we live one block from campus, also, so you can check on him/her anytime). :)

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That's nice of you.... Good compromise!!! :D