Khan Academy P/S passage question (Title: Is obesity contagious?)

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Jun 14, 2020
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Hello! Could anyone help me with this question from a PS passage from Khan Academy?

Basically, for Question 4, I was between C and D and could not decide which one. D makes sense, but I couldn't have guessed it in the first place.

The passage does not define what homophily means, but I assume they would expect me to reason my way to the answer, not to know what "homophily" mean in the first place. So, is there any psychosocial concept related to this that I 'suppose' to know? Is it always the case that people are more likely to be friends with people similar to them, than being open-minded and change their own behavior to match someone else?

Thank you so much! Here is the link to the passage:

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Yes so homophily just refers to the idea of people who are likeminded liking/hanging out with each other. You can also break the word down into its roots....
homo = same (homologous chromosomes etc.)
philia=friendship in greek/latin (think of Philadelphia, city of brotherly love etc)
This will help with psych/soc terminology.
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