Lets talk about acceptances, GPA's, PCATS! Anyone here from UF?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 27, 2010
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Hey guys!

I am kind of new to this thread thing and I didn't really know where to post this topic so I shall see how this goes... I'd love to hear from those who have been accepted... Where are you accepted, what's your GPA, PCAT, and do you have any work experience? I am from Florida and am looking for any input...

MOST IMPORTANTLY.... HAS ANYONE HEARD FROM The University of Florida???? Details!! :xf:

Thanks 😍

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Hey guys!

I am kind of new to this thread thing and I didn't really know where to post this topic so I shall see how this goes... I'd love to hear from those who have been accepted... Where are you accepted, what's your GPA, PCAT, and do you have any work experience? I am from Florida and am looking for any input...

MOST IMPORTANTLY.... HAS ANYONE HEARD FROM The University of Florida???? Details!! :xf:

Thanks 😍

GPA 3.9+

Accepted to LECOM Erie
Waiting on Pitt impatiently
Hey guys!

I am kind of new to this thread thing and I didn't really know where to post this topic so I shall see how this goes... I'd love to hear from those who have been accepted... Where are you accepted, what's your GPA, PCAT, and do you have any work experience? I am from Florida and am looking for any input...

MOST IMPORTANTLY.... HAS ANYONE HEARD FROM The University of Florida???? Details!! :xf:

Thanks 😍

Just wanted to let you know that you posted on the PCAT DISCUSSION FORUM. There is a PRE-PHARMACY DISCUSSION FORUM section where people have already started posting all that info. Good luck to you!