letter of intent?

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Oct 21, 2006
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i read a post about sending a letter of intent to schools you applied to. is this required or something some of you are doing on your own?

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i read a post about sending a letter of intent to schools you applied to. is this required or something some of you are doing on your own?

It is not required. Some people argue that it does not help, but it will not hurt you to send one anyways. People typically send these when they are waitlisted or have not heard anything from the schools in a while.
I sent a letter of intent to GA-PCOM after my last interview. I had interviewed with GA-PCOM about a week before, and the letter basically said that I had seen everything I needed to see, and that I was ready to make a decision, and that they are my top choice. Little did I know that an acceptance letter from them was already in my mailbox when I sent it, so I can't say if it would have mattered or not. However, people in admissions from LECOM-B and DMU have told me that it could make a difference. Of course, they cannot speak for other schools.
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I'm sending a LOI to erie today. Does anyone know if it will make a difference in getting accepted there?
Have you interviewed yet? If so, it could help. But the girl at LECOM-B told me that they look at them when they rank the alt list. So it may not matter until then.

i read a post about sending a letter of intent to schools you applied to. is this required or something some of you are doing on your own?

Sounds like you're thinking of a letter of interest, not intent.
my bad. obviously i've never done that before, lol
in a letter of intent. who do you address it to ? the ADCOM, the admissions person, or the dean? please I need some help on this one