LMU-DCOM Class of 2011

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Sky Glory
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Sep 28, 2006
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OK guys, here it is. If you were accepted to DCOM and plan on attending, then this is the thread for you.😀

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I am so glad to be part of this class, I am super excited about starting. I almost wish it was August already. Im a huge dork lol..... Im for sure gonna stay in the dorms. Im bad with money and Id rather have everything paid for and taken care of so alls I have to worry about is beer money......
Anyone planning on staying in that hotel that they are renovating off campus? I think that it would be a great place to stay considering it is only for med students. What is even better about it is that I could bicycle to school and get some exercise in. The area is so beautiful around there that when classes start, we are going to need to start an outdoor/recreational club so that those of us who want you get out there and exercise, hike, jog or bicycle around the campus and the area can do so in a group. So slinkeyoo, do you have a preference to which dorm you were planning on staying in? Are you referring to the undergrad dorms, the 'hotel' or the future graduate student dorms that they are planning on building?
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If I wasn't married with children I would definitely stay in the hotel. I am sure it will be LOTS of fun!!! I'm all in for starting an outdoor club as long as we can include horseback riding in it. 😀 I am really excited about it as well and I wish it was August too. I can't wait to get started!
Im probably gonna shoot for living in the hotel dorms, or the graduate dorms. I dont think I could handle living in the undergrad dorms and their no alcohol policy...lol... Im guessing that Im probably gonna have to get a roommate though to save money, HOPEFULLY well be able to have COED roommates lol hahahahahahah:laugh: Were also gonna have to start some Medical clubs, such as emergency medicine or surgery clubs, and AOA. I was also interested in possibly starting a fraternity or a sorority for the med students. Any way to make some connections with other med schools and future residency sites will be helpful. DOES anybody know how to go about starting a fraternity? or a branch? 😀
hey, well guess ill see all of you there. Im gonna look into getting a house and getting one or two roommates... i just couldnt handle the dorm life again. Unless the hotelrooms are decently nice. Well idk about fraternatey stuff, most of the students are older and im sure everyone is gonna be super serious about studying, i know i am! As for me... I'm a big outdoors person so im gonna be doing some hiking, biking and jogging for sure, hopefully I can find a small group thats very outdoors too! Well, im really excited to meet u all!!! Yeah... "ya'll"... im from texas!
Hey just as a suggestion, in addition to starting various clubs, maybe we can set up a system where we share our notes, and other study materials with each other like they do at other osteopathic medical schools. Not only will we all benefit, but future classes would benefit as well.
Hey just as a suggestion, in addition to starting various clubs, maybe we can set up a system where we share our notes, and other study materials with each other like they do at other osteopathic medical schools. Not only will we all benefit, but future classes would benefit as well.

Sounds good! We can start all kinds of things since we are the first class. 😀
Feel free to move this bad boy to the "Osteopathic Class Threads" section.

Then it will feel even more official!
Could you guys/gals post your mcat scores and your cum. and sci. g.p.a ?

All of mine are in my profile. They didn't really talk much about my numbers at the interview. They really liked my ECs, especially my clinical experience. Good luck!:luck:
Could you guys/gals post your mcat scores and your cum. and sci. g.p.a ?


I think some people mentioned their stats in the other thread titled "Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine." The one that is currently 7 pages long. Hope that helps. Good luck at your interview! :luck:
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Aight folks, I'm in too! from Murfreesboro, TN. Dr. Leo is an outdoor buff, we talked about planning a class trip to the ocoee (white water rafting) or something to break the ice (hopefully not our heads too). I am super pumped and thinking of some club ideas too. Leo used to head up a PBL group, thought that would be an interesting way to compliment the education. Anyways, looks like we're the first.... we better be the best! I have a feeling this is gonna be really fun....(sick humor huh?) see ya'll there!
Aight folks, I'm in too! from Murfreesboro, TN. Dr. Leo is an outdoor buff, we talked about planning a class trip to the ocoee (white water rafting) or something to break the ice (hopefully not our heads too). I am super pumped and thinking of some club ideas too. Leo used to head up a PBL group, thought that would be an interesting way to compliment the education. Anyways, looks like we're the first.... we better be the best! I have a feeling this is gonna be really fun....(sick humor huh?) see ya'll there!

Thats awesome. Im a big outdoors person too so thats one thing about DCOM I really liked. Ill be sending my deposit soon! See you guys in August!
Super21, I will be in San Antonio at Fort Sam Houston Dec10-13. do you have any insider info on stuff to do if i get some free time?
San Antonio is a great city bro. The best place to go if you are not from here is The Riverwalk and there's lots of bars and clubs. Hit me up on myspace and ill tell you more about it! Are you gonna end up at DCOM? It would be nice to start meeting some future classmates!!!

yeah, goin to DCOM. I have visited three times for different reasons, met everyone, and just feel at home there. I got in at WVSOM too, but just feel better at DCOM for some reason. I will holler atcha on myspace to see about san antonio. I am off to work tonight, so look for something in the next couple days.
Anyone else from TN or surrounding area?
Aight folks, I'm in too! from Murfreesboro, TN. Dr. Leo is an outdoor buff, we talked about planning a class trip to the ocoee (white water rafting) or something to break the ice (hopefully not our heads too). I am super pumped and thinking of some club ideas too. Leo used to head up a PBL group, thought that would be an interesting way to compliment the education. Anyways, looks like we're the first.... we better be the best! I have a feeling this is gonna be really fun....(sick humor huh?) see ya'll there!

Hey congrats on the acceptance! Its nice to see our class coming together like it is. I've been white water rafting before when I went to Jackson Hole Wyomming and I must say that it was a lot of fun. You know I did suggest an outdoor club either in this thread or the other thread and I think this would go great with it. I was wondering how far away Murfreesboro is from Harrogate. Are you going to be staying in Murfreesboro when classes start or are you going to be staying near campus?
Hey congrats on the acceptance! Its nice to see our class coming together like it is. I've been white water rafting before when I went to Jackson Hole Wyomming and I must say that it was a lot of fun. You know I did suggest an outdoor club either in this thread or the other thread and I think this would go great with it. I was wondering how far away Murfreesboro is from Harrogate. Are you going to be staying in Murfreesboro when classes start or are you going to be staying near campus?

I have never been white water rafting but have always wanted to go. So, I'm game. I LOVE being outside! It's great that I will know some of my classmates before I get to DCOM. See you guys soon! 😀
I have never been white water rafting but have always wanted to go. So, I'm game. I LOVE being outside! It's great that I will know some of my classmates before I get to DCOM. See you guys soon! 😀

White water rafting sounds pretty damn cool!
:laugh: HEY!!! We moved!:laugh: Now we have the official class thread!😀
Slowly the reality of Being in the first class at DCOM is settleing in. Pretty soon after we all put in our matriculation fees the reality of the cost of med school will set in.
Slowly the reality of Being in the first class at DCOM is settleing in. Pretty soon after we all put in our matriculation fees the reality of the cost of med school will set in.

It wont be easy but then again, med school never is. At least we are going to a school whose tuition is lower than some of the other schools out there. In addition, the cost of living around the school is also pretty low. Our debt will not be as high as some others. Since I am not joining to the military to pay off my tuition, my plan is to try to spend the least amount of money possible during my residency and afterwards until I can pay it off. I am also going to get parental support and I have a savings that I am developing as well. I think I might turn the money that I am currently saving and invest it so that in 5-10 years from now, it will have grown and I can take it out to use toward my loans.

When I went to my interview, the financial aide worker said that we would actually get 40,222 from stafford loans since our cost of living estimate is based on 10 months rather than the typical 9 months. As a result we apparently get an extra money on top of the 38,500 we would normally get. I would only need about 8000 a year on top of that which can be covered between my parents and I. If I need to take out a little bit of grad plus loans, I will but I am going to try not to.

I have thought about trying to get like a work study job where I can study the majority of the time but my father did this during his law school days and he said that it was a bad idea. So who knows what will happen. I am just glad to be going to med school in the first place.
Hello DCOM classmates. I live about 30 min. from DCOM, and will be commuting from home. I grew up in this area and work at on of the 4th year community hospitals in the ER. I too love the outdoors, though I am more into fishing, and hunting. Yes, I eat what I take. If any of you folks have questions about the area I will try and answer them. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Hey, does anybody know how exactly those off campus apartments are going to be furnished? I remember they said at my interview that it would be fully furnished but what exactly does that include. For example, does anybody know if it will come with a kitchen table or should I bring one with me?
Hey, does anybody know how exactly those off campus apartments are going to be furnished? I remember they said at my interview that it would be fully furnished but what exactly does that include. For example, does anybody know if it will come with a kitchen table or should I bring one with me?

I hope they have a pool table for us..lol?
Hi I'm brand new to SDN but I have also been accepted to DCOM and wanted to meet some of the new class... so, hello!! 🙂
My interview was the next week after yours and I got my phone call and letter last week as well. Welcome, and hello.
Well Congratulations to both of you. I think it is going to be a wonderful school with some awesome professors. I've been trying to find out more information about the off campus apartments, such as how they were going to distribute the rooms and how they were going to furnish it. I know that they said they would send out housing info in March but I wanted to start buying stuff for the apartment because there are all these sales now. (I am a bargain hunter). I just don't know what I need to buy.
somehow I've forgotten a key piece of info...do we go to school year round (block system)???? has anyone seen a schedule with breaks, etc.???
The schedule for classes is posted on the website, we get the summer off if thats what you wanna know,lol. So its official now Ive sent in my 2000 dollar deposit. Who else has sent in their money?
The schedule for classes is posted on the website, we get the summer off if thats what you wanna know,lol. So its official now Ive sent in my 2000 dollar deposit. Who else has sent in their money?

I've already sent my deposit in.
The schedule for classes is posted on the website, we get the summer off if thats what you wanna know,lol. So its official now Ive sent in my 2000 dollar deposit. Who else has sent in their money?

good call slinkey...somehow I missed that on the website...I've just been waiting for the new pic of the building to be uploaded haha...thanks again
how many of you are interested in the modified-hotel apartments or are you looking at non-school owned apartments in the area?
how many of you are interested in the modified-hotel apartments or are you looking at non-school owned apartments in the area?

I'm def going to be staying in them. They're just too convenient to pass up. Oh and congrats on your acceptance Nicole!
Here is another member of the Class of 2011. I am looking forward to next August!
Congratulations and welcome!!!
Thank you very much. From what I see on this forum it seems as if we are going to have some great people in our class.
Hello future classmates!!!

Okay so after going back and forth in my mind and struggling between which school to pick (between AZCOM and DCOM), I have finally decided that DCOM would be the best for me. SO, with that said, I am sending my deposit in this week and i'll be seeing everyone in August!! I'm so excited (and scared) about this but knowing that we're all in this together makes me feel good. So far, everyone on here seems really cool and I think that we're going to make a badass inaugural class. We'll be on the cutting edge of technology AND we'll be able to step back and enjoy the simplicity and beauty of nature at the same time. How many other schools can say that? Well, just wanted to say hello and I look forward to seeing ya'll soon!!!!

Go DCOM!! WHOo HOO!!!! 😀

Merry Christmas everyone!!

You are right about the great inaugural class! BTW, I remember reading in one of your posts that you were from Texas... where in Texas are you from? I live Fort Worth right now.
how many of you are interested in the modified-hotel apartments or are you looking at non-school owned apartments in the area?

The key word is Hotel..lol. I dont see other apartments or residential neighborhoods around DCOM being a good fit for medical students. Especially the modified hotel-apart being right across the school makes it an attractive location. So let's hope they have all things taken care of like utilities and any sort of maintanence issues..does anyone know more about the apartments like the rent of a 2 bedroom over a single bedroom apart? Any additional info will help...

You are right about the great inaugural class! BTW, I remember reading in one of your posts that you were from Texas... where in Texas are you from? I live Fort Worth right now.


We're practically neighboors!! I'm back home in the Dallas/Richardson area right now. Usually, i'm in the Austin area though. (I'm doing my undergrad at UTAustin.) One more semester to go... until we all disappear into the world of medicine. =):laugh:

What a coincidence that we live so close! Good luck on your last semester at UT. You're in the final stretch! 🙂

Is that your puppy in the avatar?
Looks like we have several dog lovers in our class. I will be bringing my two "boys" as well and am interested in finding out how difficult it will be to find a place to live where I can house them as well.
Looks like we have several dog lovers in our class. I will be bringing my two "boys" as well and am interested in finding out how difficult it will be to find a place to live where I can house them as well.

I have an English Mastiff, but I also have kids so I have buy a house to have enough room. I am sure you can find somewhere that will allow your boys.😀
Hahha...thanks! I plan on taking it easy this last semester. Not fail, of course...but maybe b's won't be so bad. =)

And yes, that is Koda when he was a puppy. He's about 4 now. I'm actually about to take him and my other dog, a sharpei, to the dog park. They love it there.

Is anyone planning on bringing their dogs to Tennessee? I'd love to, but I don't want my dog to be lonely if we will be in class from 8-4. Plus, will the hotel/apartments even allow us to have dogs?


What a coincidence that we live so close! Good luck on your last semester at UT. You're in the final stretch! 🙂

Is that your puppy in the avatar?
Who did ya'll make the deposit check out to? On the letter it says to send it to Paul Carney's attention, but then on the roomate letter it says to send it to Jody Caldwell's attention. Also, there is no mention of what to make the check out to. Or maybe i'm just missing it. I'm leaving for Thailand on Saturday and I need to send it in before hand. I called the school but they are closed until January 2nd. Help!! Thanks!!!
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