Looking for advice...

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Aug 27, 2006
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Hello everyone. I have spent the last couple of days reading the majority of the Pre-podiatry forums and have already gathered a wealth of information. However I do have a few questions that I wasn't able to find any threads on. First, I am married with a 2 year old son and was wondering how much more difficult it is to attend Podiatry school while raising a family? Then continuing along with the prior question, how many hours per week is it feasible to work per week while in school so that I can supplement my wife's income and be able to survive financially for four years? I figured maybe some of you have or are still juggling all of these things together and I really could use some guidance to see if Pod School is a real possibility or just a pipe dream. I would appreciate any and all advice and comments, and thank you all ahead of time.

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It is possible to have family and attend school. In fact many if not most the students at CPMS have families. (I'm at the hospital right now awake w/ my first born). It is important to really talk things out w/ your partners b/c of the major sacrifices that must be given up. Your study schedule will be extremely dependent upon your ability.

As for work, it is possible but tough. Most students supplement their partner's income w/ cost of living loans. They average about 18K a year at CPMS. If you can survive on that it is worth not having a job, especially w/ kids. I think that work and school would lead to extreme burn out in both.
It is possible to have family and attend school. In fact many if not most the students at CPMS have families. (I'm at the hospital right now awake w/ my first born). It is important to really talk things out w/ your partners b/c of the major sacrifices that must be given up. Your study schedule will be extremely dependent upon your ability.

As for work, it is possible but tough. Most students supplement their partner's income w/ cost of living loans. They average about 18K a year at CPMS. If you can survive on that it is worth not having a job, especially w/ kids. I think that work and school would lead to extreme burn out in both.

CONGRATS on the baby!!!
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Congrats Papa Feelgood!
And congratulations on your newest addition to the Feelgood family, I bet it must feelgreat! Sorry about the corny joke, I'm up at 6:30am with a little boy who wanted to watch Spongebob.
Don't lie, Dad wanted to watch Sponge Bob and the little boy wanted Sportscenter.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. He's coming home today and the fun relaly begins.
Fell-Good thanks for the not working in POD school bit. I am 27 and a soph. undergrad. I transfered to my current school with a 2.67gpa. I have 2 girls and a great wife. The gpa sucks, but my fear is that I'm still working 40+ a week and carrying a full load. I can pull B avergae from here on out; but will that be enough? I worked for Wal-Mart as a manager and remodel specialist and had to drop tons of classes at the end of the semester to hits jobs all over the states. I have 8-F's and 6-D's on my transcript w/ 14-W's!!!:thumbdown: I have read somewhere that you have a place to explain on the app, but will they see this and run or will the fact that it will be 5 years old by the time I apply faze it out? As well I have shadowed a podiatrist for 75 hours so far and plan will have about 375 by the time I apply. It is really what I want to do-Don't make me go back to Wal-Mart.:eek: Ron
Feelgood. Sorry messed the name up! Maybe another course in reading comp would do me good!