MaDrAS - sRi RaMaCHaNDrA . . .

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Mar 1, 2002
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so anyone going to that Sri Ramachandra Medical School in Madras??

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yeah, i'm planning to head down to SRMC as well,....when u going?? this coming fall??

heard great things about the school!

yeah i'm starting this summer..
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so where in canada are you from?
right now, i'm in Ottawa, Canada finishing up my uni. degree..........actually, i'll be heading to SRMC next year...aug. 2003.....i still have a term to go to get my degree.

i deferred the admission till next year.....i was planning to go this year, but decided against it. (close to getting my degree, might as well finish it).

did u finish a degree as well? i read from your profile that u went to U. of Michigan?

well, got to go...take care.
i haven't finished my degree. do you know anyone else going this year? if i were you i would might as well go this year to SRMC.. cuz u can finish your degree when you get back.. (if u even really need to)... cuz then you have to be in INDIA for a WHOLE other year...
yeah, i thought of it.....but figured a Canadian Uni. degree will be good to have(even if most prob. i won't be using it! :D )

no, i don't know anyone else that's going this year, but i do know someone who graduated from there a while back......
so, anyone ELSE going this summer?
if anyone needs any info on the Sri Ramachandra Medical College in Madras... I got some 411 from a couple of different sources.

whats the addmission process to this school? One of my friend said all you need is 20k a year and you are in if your a american student.
SkANdALouS- i CaN't StANd ReAdINg YoUR PosTS wiTH AlL oF tHiS STuPiD MixInG oF CaPs ANd lOWerCaSe... WhaT Is YoUR PoiNT iN DoINg ThiS?
to: skip intro..

well if you can't stand it, then WHY are you reading my posts?

and why are you replying to my post if you have nothing of value to contribute?

and for your information, my posts AREN'T in upper/lower case, only the TOPIC TITLE'S are.

if you get annoyed with something as miniscule as this, then you're in for a huge surprise when you have to read other physicians' handwritings...

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It's 25,000 to reserve the seat and you have to come up with a 75,000 by the first day of class.

You need a HS degree (certain classes).

•••quote:•••Originally posted by SkAnDaLoUs:

It's 25,000 to reserve the seat and you have to come up with a 75,000 by the first day of class.

You need a HS degree (certain classes).

Later...•••••Assuming thats a $ value, why the heck would you wanna go to India for med school? You would be much better off studying at a US med school (i've also assumed those who're going back to india are eligible to study in the USA).

Yea, too many assumptions :D :p
SO anyone that has a highschool diploma can get in? got any info on this?
Well Kornlust,

(Let's try to ignore Skip Intro's useless and rude posts)

1. Yes, all you need is a Highschool Diploma and you have to have taken several classes, like Chemistry, Biology, and other's i'm not exactly certain on, on your HS transcript.

2. You also need a letter typed out from your principle with a Grade Table, that explains what an A, B, C,D, and F means.

3. Then you need your principle to write out a letter of proof that your HS was accredited by some sort of association.

4. Then you need a Certificate from the Health Ministry of India (which i haven't gotten yet, but i'm working on it). I'll get you more info on that.

Other than the horror of walking past a teacher you hated in HS, getting these letters/papers from your highschool isn't too hard.

Are you interested in applying for this summer? I think there are still spots open. Do you have any other questions? I'll be flying out on the 26th of July...

Later. . .
I was told that SRMC might not make it available for US Citizens to do their last year (5th year internship) in the US. Is this true? I know students who are in their 5th year now, and are allowed to, but i'm not sure if this rumor is true concerning younger classes?

Later . . .
i heard they might make the nri's start in nov. w/the locals instead of starting on the planned aug.1... is this true??

Im an SRMC grad.
loved it.
what year? would you have loved it if it was a govt. school.. like they are turning it into now?
They are turning it into a govt. school?? whom did you hear this from?
how does this change things for future students??(i.e., admission criteria, will they still continue to accept NRI's...etc....). if you can give me any info. on this, it will be greatly appreciated! (since i'm planning on attending this school next year!)


take care. lates.

I honestly dont know how this changes things. And i'm extremely nervous to find out how this changes things. They most prolly will still accept NRI's, but i have a feeling the tuition will sky rocket (not that it isn't alot already), since they are only allowed to have 20 private seats, is what i heard. I don't think they even know yet what kind of an effect this will be on the school, since we don't even know now if our classes are starting on the 1st of August anymore. We might start all the up until Dec. 1 ! I would just contact the school directly. If you need numbers, email me at [email protected]

Later . . .
:rolleyes: apparently classes prolly wont start till october. ..

later . . .
yeah, that's what i heard as well.....1st week of October......they are trying to start ASAP.........i'm thinking of joining this year as well.............but we'll see(i have talked to them......)

they are not changing the school into a govt. school, but they have increased the number of local seats and decreased the number of NRI's that they take each year..........this is what they told me when i talked to them a few days back................i think from 20 to 8 NRI', i figured it'll be better if i join this year....................

well, got to go.....later.....
hey do you know how many NRI's are there this year? did they reduce it to like 8 this year or do they mean starting next year?


Just wondering... thanks..

Later . . .
Hi I'm just wondering were is Madras? and how many years is the program?!? and what is the web site

thanx alot

Madras city ( AKA 'Chennai') is the biggest city in South India. It is also the capital of South-Indian state called TamilNadu. Tamil is the local language spoken and madrasi is another langauge spoken by locals which mixes tamil with English.

Madras Guys are rated 'Hottest' in the South east Asia and nick named 'stallions'...

There is more info about Programs in the infamous 'banned' thread 'Go to India for medschool' in this same International forums. search for it!
the program is 5.5 years long, that includes 1 year of internship that might HAVE to be done in INDIA (a rumor i heard, altho all of the seniors now are doing it in the US).

Madras is on the east southern coast of india. I never heard anything about the guys being hot or anything like that... lol. But it's pretty conservative, but it IS a big city, so there are things to do.

the website is

later . . .
hey, i've sent you an e-mail regarding your question......later.
Whats up SRMC!!!!!

Ill never be back!!!!

so the update...

the locals are taking their entrance exam on sept. 15.. so after their scores come back... and the "counseling" is done... classes are supposed to start...

later . . .
the office says that classes will start by october 20, and that we should be there by october 15 for orientation.

later . . .
Originally posted by SkAnDaLoUs
TO: SKIP INTRO & went straight to giving it to guys up the @$$.

thanks for bumping up the post AGAIN by your reply.

people read this ish and email me with questions... even if they might not reply to the post.

and im still wondering why you bother reading my posts, when it doesn't involve you.

later. . .

:confused: :(

Are you still mad about something that happened months ago or something? I'd suggest that you try to get over it, or get some professional help.
Originally posted by Skip Intro
:confused: :(

Are you still mad about something that happened months ago or something? I'd suggest that you try to get over it, or get some professional help.

nope, actually i was replying to something you just posted and then decided to delete.

later . . .
Originally posted by SkAnDaLoUs

Originally posted by SkAnDaLoUs
nope, actually i was replying to something you just posted and then decided to delete.

later . . .

I only responded to a message that you apparently went back and changed to a smiley face. (See above other post.) It appears that you were only shamelessly bumping your post, and also using that as an opportunity to re-address something that happened months ago at my expense. You went back and changed your message.

:confused: :(

Why do you keep bumping this thread, and trying to make me look bad at the same time? Did I do something to offend you. I'm sorry, if so. A while back, I just wanted to point out to you that I don't think it's necessary to use sIlLY GImmICks to try to make people read your posts. If what you say is valuable, then people will read it. What you say should stand on its own merits. If no one's really interested, then your posts will move down the chain. That's just what happens. I think it is kind of shameful to bump one's own posts - and even worse to try to make others look bad in doing so.

Sorry, but I think others would agree with me.
Can someone doing or that has done med school at SRMC pls private message PM me on this website??
I live in Illinois and am considering going to SRMC in the fall of 2008
hey kris.. let me know any questions you have about SRMC glad to help you...
are u guys on about 2008 entry. I am considering dental there. whats everyones opinons, is it goverment now sri ramachandra?