Mayo Clinic Oral Board Review Course

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Sea Otter

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Feb 13, 2013
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Does anyone have any experience with the Mayo Clinic oral board review course? It is all virtual sessions over 3 days. I may be able to get my job to pay for it but it’s unclear if they will so I’m trying to decide if it would even be worth pushing for it in the first place. Would appreciate anyone’s opinion!

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It was really good when I went through it a few years ago. But not sure how it has changed with the new testing format and COVID. Decent chance it will be live this year, because I know they’re advertising other conferences
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Does anyone have any experience with the Mayo Clinic oral board review course? It is all virtual sessions over 3 days. I may be able to get my job to pay for it but it’s unclear if they will so I’m trying to decide if it would even be worth pushing for it in the first place. Would appreciate anyone’s opinion!
I did it last year but there was only the virtual option & all the info was from prior to the new format. I did not find it helpful for the money.