Minorities, I have good news!

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Affirmative Action at it's core has nothing to do with patient care. those are two separate arguments. if getting into school is based off of race then it's affirmative action. if it's based off of who will serve what ethical groups then it is a matter of statistical projection (and is still probably illegal).

Medical and dental schools look for future candidates also thinking to better serve the community. Then, what's the point of going into health care? and Im not talking about affirmative action.

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Well I am not white or black I don't know what the hell I am but I know that a person who gets 17/18/15 on the DAT will mostly likely fail the NBDE anyways so I have no worries for letting them in. Also a word must mentioned: DAT and NBDE are very similar to each other regardless of whether they mean you are smart or not.
If minorities are really being allowed into dental school with 15/ 16 scores, this could bring about an apprehension of patients to go to dental professionals of color, knowing that they might have been allowed to be a doctor based on their race and not their skills and intelligence. Hence they would judge the doctor not but the quality of their work but by their race. That is racism on the part of the patients, but brought about due to the AA policies of the dental schools.
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If minorities are really being allowed into dental school with 15/ 16 scores, this could bring about an apprehension of patients to go to dental professionals of color, knowing that they might have been allowed to be a doctor based on their race and not their skills and intelligence. Hence they would judge the doctor not but the quality of their work but by their race. That is racism on the part of the patients, but brought about due to the AA policies of the dental schools.

If a doctor, any doctor has graduated from an accredited dental school and is liscensed to practice then they are fully competant, despite how well they may have done on the DAT or their GPA in college.

It's not like anyone accepted through these means are given a bonus 10% on every exam or something :rolleyes:
Thats why I wouldnt want to go to a minority dentist. How would I know if they got in just to fill a quota or if they were really qualified. The OP remark confirmed this. You can train anyone to go through the motions and as long as it was something simple no problem, but what if it wasnt something simple and some really knowledge and reasoning were needed. Someone that got in based on color wouldnt have that type of skill.
Dentistry isn't rocket science. Someone with lower DAT scores may excel in a clinical atmosphere and using their hands. Isn't 16 or 17 the national average?

I believe the national average for accepted students is around AA 18, suggesting many people are accepted with scores higher and lower than that number.
Well I am not white or black I don't know what the hell I am but I know that a person who gets 17/18/15 on the DAT will mostly likely fail the NBDE anyways so I have no worries for letting them in. Also a word must mentioned: DAT and NBDE are very similar to each other regardless of whether they mean you are smart or not.

Hmm...that's very interesting. So are you a current dental student or a pre-dent? Have you ever taken the NBDE? I got a 17 AA on the DAT and got an 86 on the NBDE...and I passed all sectons...as a matter of fact,out of a class of 57 only one person had a complete fail and only 5 or 6 had a partial (only failing 1 section). A lot of people at my school had similar if not lower scores on the DAT and passed the NBDE. If you really, truly believe that the NBDE and the DAT are similar other than both are administered by the ADA and are standardized tests then you might want to think again.

A lot of you need to realize that there are some people of ALL races that just don't test well on standardized tests. Everybody can't afford to go to the best private school or get the best tutor or things like Kaplan, Princeton Review and Sylvan. Some things such as language barriers prevent some people from achieving as well. They all work hard. Some do extremely well and some still fall short in some areas. Regardless, all of these people have dreams and not always someone to help them acheive them. I say that to say when there is somebody of your same race or that came from your same background that is doing what you want to do in life and serving as your mentor, that makes making your dream come true so much more achievable. What's so wrong with giving everybody an equal chance?

As far as dentistry some students may not have the highest grades in the basic sciences but can work well with their hands and know how to relate with others (especially patients). Have any of you thought about that? I haven't looked at every single post but there are some people that have mentioned, in so many words, that "you go to who you look like". When a patient comes into your office they don't really care where you went to school, if you were an honor student, if you graduated top of your class, etc. They care about how you do what you do and how you make them feel. You can be the best dentist in the country, but if you make a patient feel inferior and aren't "culturally competent" then what does it matter? The truth of the matter is that a lot of people will not open up about a lot of things to health care providers who are not of their race because they feel as though that person won't "feel" them or will make them feel inferior. Therefore, people of a particular race will go to a healthcare professional of that same race.

Why does it always have to be becuase a minority got something and a majority didn't does it always have to be because of affirmative action? Is it that hard to believe that the minority was a better candidate? And even though that minority got in why do the administration and instructors still make them feel inferior? Why do majority students get help in class and minorities are left to "sink or swim"? I have a very good friend at Marquette who is Af Am and Indian (female) and there is an instructor who sees she has on a particular color scrubs and a school ID (very distinct...obviously a dental student at Marquette), yet will ask her "are you supposed to be in here, aren't you in the DA program?" Does he not think she can be a dentist? Even if in the DA program at the tech school where she is has a lot of Af Am females, why must he assume she is a DA student? Does he not think she is good enough to be a dentist? He doesn't ask any of the other females in her class that...she is the only Af Am female in her class. As fars as affirmative action, don't forget women are included in "minorities"...white, black or other. And don't think affirmative action is the only issue here. Until the "good ole boy" network stops you better believe that there will be more white males doing things that minorities can do just as well if not better. I'm not at all saying that everybody got where they got on the "hook up" but I'm pretty sure there is somebody in school that only got in because their daddy knew somebody.
FINALLY!!!!!!!! Now we are talking.. I am glad there are still people on this forum who are able to give different opinions with coherence :thumbup:
A lot of you need to realize that there are some people of ALL races that just don't test well on standardized tests.

I suppose it's all right in dentistry, since it doesn't deal with life and death. Medicine on the other hand...if one can't think under an organized, quiet environment such as the MCAT how the hell can she become a doctor when someone's bleeding out before her in a hectic hospital? I have coined a new phrase for those who think they are "bad test takers." It's called YOU'RE NOT AS SMART AS YOU THINK.

On the other hand, people who use the phrase "Oh, I'm not a good test taker" should feel fortunate the DAT doesn't measure mental aptitude, so STOP COMPLAINING. Many dentists have scored lower than a 1200 on the SAT, and yet they make more than physicians. So take advantage of this opportunity and appreciate it; if you can't pass the DAT, you just didn't try hard enough.
Just to let you guys know, the school that I have been accepted to had 100% of their students pass last year. Actually, not a single minority has failed in the past 4 years. Just thought this would be interesting for you to know. Also, there are only 10 minorities out of a class size of 80 and some but not all had similiar scores as mine. Anyways, I am glad that everyone is having such a great time bashing my scores. Thanks for trying to break me down.
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Just to let you guys know, the school that I have been accepted to had 100% of their students pass last year. Actually, not a single minority has failed in the past 4 years. Just thought this would be interesting for you to know. Also, there are only 10 minorities out of a class size of 80 and some but not all had similiar scores as mine. Anyways, I am glad that everyone is having such a great time bashing my scores. Thanks for trying to break me down.

you are very lucky. I mean.. reall lucky in this stressful admission game.

Be GLAD and Thankful.
I suppose it's all right in dentistry, since it doesn't deal with life and death. Medicine on the other hand...if one can't think under an organized, quiet environment such as the MCAT how the hell can she become a doctor when someone's bleeding out before her in a hectic hospital? I have coined a new phrase for those who think they are "bad test takers." It's called YOU'RE NOT AS SMART AS YOU THINK.

On the other hand, people who use the phrase "Oh, I'm not a good test taker" should feel fortunate the DAT doesn't measure mental aptitude, so STOP COMPLAINING. Many dentists have scored lower than a 1200 on the SAT, and yet they make more than physicians. So take advantage of this opportunity and appreciate it; if you can't pass the DAT, you just didn't try hard enough.

Touche! You just saved the thread. :D
here In America Let's Just Set Race Aside For A Minute!! Here In America There Is A Class Problem Which Cuts Across All Races And That Is Finances.!! (take A Look At Katrina).

Whether You Want To Believe Or Not There Is Affirmative Action Here In The U.s. And It Is Getting Worse. Our Middle Class Is Shrinking And Many Families Are Finding It Extremely Difficult To Fund Education For Their Children. For Example Think About Those In Your Class Who Did Not Have To Work And Just Only Studied Vs. Those Who Had To Work A Part-time Job To Make It In School. The Person Who Only Had To Study And Who Probably Could Afford To Get Extra Tutoring With Kaplan Etc., Will Do Much Better Than The Person Who Could Not Afford It. The Problem Here In The States Is Finances. I Think That This Problem Is Even Worser For Minorities. However, Poverty Affects Everyone (take A Look At Katrina For Example).

However, It Is Easy For The Media And Others To Play The Race Game, Which Feeds Into Paranoa. But The Real Struggle Today Is Poverty. If You Are Born Poor You Are Immediately Disadvantaged. I Think Affirmative Action Should Be For The Working Poor Here In America. Race May Play A Factor In Some Cases, However Children Of Poor Parents Stand A Very Little Chance Of Exceeding To Their Full Potential In Education. Who Do We Blame? Blame Our Educational System And Government Who Continually Cuts Financial Aid To Needy Students And Student Loan Programs And Raises Interest Rates For Student Loans.

Why Is It Only In The U.s. That The Costs Of Graduate School Is So Expensive?? Yet Our Nation's Schools Rank The Lowest In Math And Sciences?

Viewing Everything In Race, Blots Out The Real Picture And That Is Rising Cost On Higher Education And The War On The Working Class Here In America!!
mentioned, in so many words, that "you go to who you look like". When a patient comes into your office they don't really care where you went to school, if you were an honor student, if you graduated top of your class, etc. They care about how you do what you do and how you make them feel. You can be the best dentist in the country, but if you make a patient feel inferior and aren't "culturally competent" then what does it matter? The truth of the matter is that a lot of people will not open up about a lot of things to health care providers who are not of their race because they feel as though that person won't "feel" them or will make them feel inferior. Therefore, people of a particular race will go to a healthcare professional of that same race.

Until the "good ole boy" network stops you better believe that there will be more white males doing things that minorities can do just as well if not better. I'm not at all saying that everybody got where they got on the "hook up" but I'm pretty sure there is somebody in school that only got in because their daddy knew somebody.

here In America Let's Just Set Race Aside For A Minute!! Here In America There Is A Class Problem Which Cuts Across All Races And That Is Finances.!! (take A Look At Katrina).

Whether You Want To Believe Or Not There Is Affirmative Action Here In The U.s. And It Is Getting Worse. Our Middle Class Is Shrinking And Many Families Are Finding It Extremely Difficult To Fund Education For Their Children. For Example Think About Those In Your Class Who Did Not Have To Work And Just Only Studied Vs. Those Who Had To Work A Part-time Job To Make It In School. The Person Who Only Had To Study And Who Probably Could Afford To Get Extra Tutoring With Kaplan Etc., Will Do Much Better Than The Person Who Could Not Afford It. The Problem Here In The States Is Finances. I Think That This Problem Is Even Worser For Minorities. However, Poverty Affects Everyone (take A Look At Katrina For Example).

However, It Is Easy For The Media And Others To Play The Race Game, Which Feeds Into Paranoa. But The Real Struggle Today Is Poverty. If You Are Born Poor You Are Immediately Disadvantaged. I Think Affirmative Action Should Be For The Working Poor Here In America. Race May Play A Factor In Some Cases, However Children Of Poor Parents Stand A Very Little Chance Of Exceeding To Their Full Potential In Education. Who Do We Blame? Blame Our Educational System And Government Who Continually Cuts Financial Aid To Needy Students And Student Loan Programs And Raises Interest Rates For Student Loans.

Why Is It Only In The U.s. That The Costs Of Graduate School Is So Expensive?? Yet Our Nation's Schools Rank The Lowest In Math And Sciences?

Viewing Everything In Race, Blots Out The Real Picture And That Is Rising Cost On Higher Education And The War On The Working Class Here In America!!

I agree with you that this is a socioeconomic problem, and has nothing to do with race. Katrina just happened to hit the US in a predominantly black area. What if katrina hit Seattle, Washington? Would you see the same number of poor black families?

Now this is a completely different topic, and I don't want to get off on this. But there are a number of reasons for this other than just, "its a good ole boys club who don't like women".

You can't expect someone who wants to take time off (months to years) of work for children. On top of that women are more likely to request part-time or flexible working schedules. Women also are not as likely to even apply for high risk, dangerous jobs either.

If I was hiring someone for a high stress, high power, very demanding ceo position.. I don't care what gender you are (or color.. relating to thread topic).. If I think you are going to slack off or want to work part time, you're not getting the job! Plain and simple!

I'm all for equality, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. I'd hire a woman as long as she was willing to put in the same number of hours and dedication to the position and I didn't think she was going to request much time off.

Children are a choice.. so is your career. You want the high power job. The choice is yours.

(same goes for paternity time off)

If I had to applicants for a position. A man who was requesting time off for his kids, and a woman who was single and who didnt want kids and was smart and dedicated. I'd hire the woman!

Employers want dedication to the job they are offering, not someone who job wants to be a mommy or dadddy and have the employer pay for it. I know it sucks, but this is reality folks.
Just to let you guys know, the school that I have been accepted to had 100% of their students pass last year. Actually, not a single minority has failed in the past 4 years. Just thought this would be interesting for you to know. Also, there are only 10 minorities out of a class size of 80 and some but not all had similiar scores as mine. Anyways, I am glad that everyone is having such a great time bashing my scores. Thanks for trying to break me down.

Good luck at UNC next year.
Just to let you guys know, the school that I have been accepted to had 100% of their students pass last year. Actually, not a single minority has failed in the past 4 years. Just thought this would be interesting for you to know. Also, there are only 10 minorities out of a class size of 80 and some but not all had similiar scores as mine. Anyways, I am glad that everyone is having such a great time bashing my scores. Thanks for trying to break me down.

I don't seem to recall bashing you. Good luck! :)
I'm all for equality, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. I'd hire a woman as long as she was willing to put in the same number of hours and dedication to the position and I didn't think she was going to request much time off.

Children are a choice.. so is your career. You want the high power job. The choice is yours.

(same goes for paternity time off)

Employers want dedication to the job they are offering, not someone who job wants to be a mommy or dadddy and have the employer pay for it. I know it sucks, but this is reality folks.

I totally totally agree with you on this point!! I am also tired of women taking time off for paternity leave as well. I feel that children need a stay at home mom not someone pushed off into daycare. Unfortunately the economics of some families require 2 incomes. However, at any rate women need to start putting their families first and demanding their husbands or significant others to take up the extra slack in the home. Family should come first and not the career. I totally agree women need to choose and not cause the other coworkers to suffer because of their abscence.

I totally agree that women need to stop begging for equality and not holding up their end of the bargain.
Katrina just happened to hit the US in a predominantly black area. What if katrina hit Seattle, Washington? Would you see the same number of poor black families?

Actually New Orleans was the predominate black area that was hit. However, you forget the other parts of Lousiana and Mississippi.

If Katrina had hit Seattle, you might have seen more Asians hit. It does not matter what race was hit. The problem is that the people hit were not only poor but also many working class people who lost their homes. Do you think our government would have handled them that way if they were wealthy? No, I do not think so.
Well this certainly isn't fair to anybody who is not an underrepresented minority in dental school. How much do people want to bet that these people are going to do poorly compared to their fellow students in D school?
Well this certainly isn't fair to anybody who is not an underrepresented minority in dental school. How much do people want to bet that these people are going to do poorly compared to their fellow students in D school?

At any rate they will flunk out if they are that stupid. However, I doubt that the University would waste it's money on a bunch of failures. So please grow up!

Unless if the they are accepting minorities for the sole reason because they want a colorful student body then there's a problem.:eek:
After graduating D school do you really think a minority student would go back to the ghetto to practice knowing they could have something better?
After D School I plan to serve underserved hispanics.
Man some of you are too emotional. Go pull someone's tooth out and chill.
here In America Let's Just Set Race Aside For A Minute!! Here In America There Is A Class Problem Which Cuts Across All Races And That Is Finances.!! (take A Look At Katrina).

Whether You Want To Believe Or Not There Is Affirmative Action Here In The U.s. And It Is Getting Worse. Our Middle Class Is Shrinking And Many Families Are Finding It Extremely Difficult To Fund Education For Their Children. For Example Think About Those In Your Class Who Did Not Have To Work And Just Only Studied Vs. Those Who Had To Work A Part-time Job To Make It In School. The Person Who Only Had To Study And Who Probably Could Afford To Get Extra Tutoring With Kaplan Etc., Will Do Much Better Than The Person Who Could Not Afford It. The Problem Here In The States Is Finances. I Think That This Problem Is Even Worser For Minorities. However, Poverty Affects Everyone (take A Look At Katrina For Example).

However, It Is Easy For The Media And Others To Play The Race Game, Which Feeds Into Paranoa. But The Real Struggle Today Is Poverty. If You Are Born Poor You Are Immediately Disadvantaged. I Think Affirmative Action Should Be For The Working Poor Here In America. Race May Play A Factor In Some Cases, However Children Of Poor Parents Stand A Very Little Chance Of Exceeding To Their Full Potential In Education. Who Do We Blame? Blame Our Educational System And Government Who Continually Cuts Financial Aid To Needy Students And Student Loan Programs And Raises Interest Rates For Student Loans.

Why Is It Only In The U.s. That The Costs Of Graduate School Is So Expensive?? Yet Our Nation's Schools Rank The Lowest In Math And Sciences?

Viewing Everything In Race, Blots Out The Real Picture And That Is Rising Cost On Higher Education And The War On The Working Class Here In America!!

in a completely different thread, I'm impressed that you typed all of that and capitalized every word :laugh:
lol she probably used microsoft word to do that.

i doubt it. look at the misspells. i can't believe people are still talking about this. hopefully my comment will be the last. let's think happy thoughts.. like beautiful teeth. =)
i doubt it. look at the misspells. i can't believe people are still talking about this. hopefully my comment will be the last. let's think happy thoughts.. like beautiful teeth. =)

I wish I didn't drink bucket loads of coffee when I was 10.
Thats why I wouldnt want to go to a minority dentist. How would I know if they got in just to fill a quota or if they were really qualified. The OP remark confirmed this. You can train anyone to go through the motions and as long as it was something simple no problem, but what if it wasnt something simple and some really knowledge and reasoning were needed. Someone that got in based on color wouldnt have that type of skill

If minorities are really being allowed into dental school with 15/ 16 scores, this could bring about an apprehension of patients to go to dental professionals of color, knowing that they might have been allowed to be a doctor based on their race and not their skills and intelligence. Hence they would judge the doctor not but the quality of their work but by their race. That is racism on the part of the patients, but brought about due to the AA policies of the dental schools.

Please tell me you two are joking. Since when do patients evaluate their dentist based on DAT or National Board scores? I think you are really being unfair to the OP by correlating her DAT scores with her intelligence. I am sure that any member of a dental admissions committee would tell you that every year there are some students, both white and black, that get admitted with 15/16 scores. While there may be a positive correlation between high scores on the DAT and hard work, I do not automatically assume that someone with a high DAT score, including myself, has an intelligence comparable to that of Einstein.

It is true that you can teach practically anyone to perform simple dental procedures and I believe that dental schools realize this. But I also believe they realize that you cannot teach a person how to have compassion, empathy, and an understanding for his fellow man. The before mentioned qualities are ones that every good dentist should have. Academic ability is just one of the many qualities of a worthy dental student.

If you have an underrepresented minority in your dental class, please don't assume that they got accepted with inferior stats or that they are less competent and qualified than you are because they scored a 15 on a section of their DAT.

By the way, congratulations to the OP.

Now I will get off my soapbox and go to bed.
How is this thread started already accepted into dental school? That has to go against that dec. 1 rule. Also, which school is this, i'm really dying to find out.
i agree this topic has beaten to death. one last comment: for all of you who whine about "underqualified" minority students being admitted to dental school, i assure you there is a much greater number of underqualified applicant who get in because "daddy knows the dean," or "daddy is an alumni," or "mommy donated a brand frikin' new sim lab."

In the end, to be able to graduate from dental school you need to be intelligent enough to pass your classes and to pass the dental board. period. that determines everything.
When minorities become dentists do they even practice in the ghetto's (and yes I am a minority too) but think about- isn’t that what MANY minorities want... to move out of the ghetto (a possible reason why there still is such a large discrepancy with minorities not receiving the adequate health care ...because the people that come from these area's tend not to want to go back). Personally the OP is such a hypocrite ...she talks about being disadvantaged but let me put it as it is.....you didn’t grow up poor your mommy and daddy had money unlike your other BRotha's and Sista's. But any how congrats on your acceptance and hopefully you would help those who really need it instead of just walking and turning your back (especially your own people).

Unless if the they are accepting minorities for the sole reason because they want a colorful student body then there's a problem.:eek:

Im a minority. And I would practice dentistry not in CA, but would in North Miami or some part equivalent, as that is where I am from. You gotta remember that dentistry is dentistry- the sole purpose of becoming a dentist is application of the science to patient care.

Note, I will also have other practices in other areas too. But I would definetly have one in an underprivledged area...
here's my 2 cents.

i believe the original intent of AA (LBJ era) was to help women and descendents of AMERICAN black slaves to get equal footing in society.

unfortunately, there's not enough qualified descendents of AMERICAN black slaves in any profession, thus schools esp. my dental school substitutes people of african descendent whose ancestors were not AMERICAN slaves such as nigerians and jamaicans to fill its AA quota (de facto). also, in the same vein, the hispanic quota is met by non-AMERICAN students from south america. i wouldn't mind so much if these full scholarship students were at least americans whose ancestors sufferered in america.

also, i noticed that most of these people come from well to do families and don't deserve any special treatment esp full rides. i know of one case where this girl from an african country attended tuition free, even though her family back in her home country were millionaires. another case, where this full ride guy brags about his homes and boats in his native caribbean island.

if we need AA, let's make damn sure the right people of benefitting from it.
When minorities become dentists do they even practice in the ghetto's (and yes I am a minority too) but think about- isn't that what MANY minorities want... to move out of the ghetto (a possible reason why there still is such a large discrepancy with minorities not receiving the adequate health care ...because the people that come from these area's tend not to want to go back). Personally the OP is such a hypocrite ...she talks about being disadvantaged but let me put it as it is.....you didn't grow up poor your mommy and daddy had money unlike your other BRotha's and Sista's. But any how congrats on your acceptance and hopefully you would help those who really need it instead of just walking and turning your back (especially your own people).

1. Yes, it's true that many people would rather practice dentistry in affluent, "very nice and clean" areas, with a chance to earn $$$ from self-pay procedures, even underrep minorities from poor backgrounds. But I also think that underrep minorities are MORE likely to practice in those shortage areas, as they have a greater comfort level and familiarity with those types of neighborhoods--they also have families and friends there.
2. Yes, I agree that some rich underrep minorities do not deserve to benefit as much from AA (as they prob are not going to practice in ghetto areas) as much as someone from a very humble background. Arguably, poor majority folks also deserve some leeway as they are likely to come from underserved areas as well. rural areas experience severe healthcare shortages, and people have to travel far to visit a healthcare practitioner. People, especially the young, would rather live or work close to the city. Some of this shortage has been addressed by establishing state/private schools in those shortage area (ie Arizona).
Thats why I wouldnt want to go to a minority dentist. How would I know if they got in just to fill a quota or if they were really qualified. The OP remark confirmed this. You can train anyone to go through the motions and as long as it was something simple no problem, but what if it wasnt something simple and some really knowledge and reasoning were needed. Someone that got in based on color wouldnt have that type of skill.

I guess minorities should not go to a white dentist because his mom or dad pulled strings to get him. Or a patient should not go to a hispanic dentist because they might not understand english. Or maybe we should not go to an Indian dentist because the smell of curry would be overpowering. Or better yet lets not go to a Jewish dentist because he might overcharge us. Or finally let's not go to an Asian dentist because they smell of fish.

So, if this offends you so did the upper quote.

Unless if the they are accepting minorities for the sole reason because they want a colorful student body then there's a problem.:eek:

Are you going to work in the trailer park?
Just a funny story from a fellow dentist friend. She had a patient who was a minority who was refusing to get a procedure finished by the original dentist. When asked why not go back the patient(minority) said "well the other dentist is @#$@# (a minority) and you know they let him in school because he was a minority not because he was smart."

I guess you can brag about it now if you want but I wouldn't be proud that I got measured by a shorter ruler just cause of my skin color.

Good luck at Louisville!
Just a funny story from a fellow dentist friend. She had a patient who was a minority who was refusing to get a procedure finished by the original dentist. When asked why not go back the patient(minority) said "well the other dentist is @#$@# (a minority) and you know they let him in school because he was a minority not because he was smart."

I guess you can brag about it now if you want but I wouldn't be proud that I got measured by a shorter ruler just cause of my skin color.

Good luck at Louisville!
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