Nbd i prep starting now. Anybody else in my boat?

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Sep 17, 2013
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Hoping to give both part i and ii in time to send applications in 2014. Can it be done? Anyone else out there attempting the impossible?

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Hoping to give both part i and ii in time to send applications in 2014. Can it be done? Anyone else out there attempting the impossible?

its damn possible......why do you think its impossible? i am gonna appear in my NBDE 1 soon for the second time and then after that i might give part 2 early next year like may or something........2014 application cycle still has alot of time to start.....they start in april mid......if you start preparing for part 1 now you will be done with your prep in like 3-4 months not more than that......give it in december and start preparin for part 2 after that and be done by june or so and you will be good to go for 2014 cycle......
hi I really appreciate your reply. I have got some very conflicting answers regarding prep time from ppl. I will start preparing in Nov cuz Im going to India for now and that was why I was wondering if I have enough time. Also I have heard it takes a lota time to prepare all the reqd documents. I feel as if there is a huge pressure on me n not enough time 🙁