Neurology: What are my chances?

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2+ Year Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Starting to think about my residency application and was wondering how competitive I am for Neurology residency and how many programs I should apply to. I don't have the best scores and I have 1 potential big red flag (course failure). I am really interested in Neurology, always have been, and can't really see myself doing anything else. I would love to be at an academic program in a city and wonder if that is possible.

Red Flags:
Course failure of my first course in the first year with successful remediation (I was a nontrad and hadn't studied for YEARS prior to med school so just hadn't well adjusted to the rigor of school, I guess).
Preclin/Clin Grades: nothing exceptional. normal student with no honors just passes.
Step 1/Comlex 1: first time pass
Step 2: 230 | Comlex 2: 490
Publications (including abstracts/posters): 10 (2 are neuro related but just case reports).

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks y'all.

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I’m positive that you’ll match somewhere. Just apply broadly and look for programs that have accepted DOs before (meaning NOT top 10-20 programs as most programs will accept DOs). Maybe consider doing at least a couple audition rotations — which could yield some strong letters (if completed before applications go out).
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