Newbie... and LOST.

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Anxiety Ridden Pre-Med
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 22, 2008
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Hello there! Just registered today on the forums and in the process of applying to med school for Fall 2009.

I am having trouble regarding just which schools to apply to. NYU is my dream school, but I feel like it's a long shot. Here are my stats...

* Biology/Psychology double major (with a minor in Chem.)
* GPA: 3.6; Science GPA: 3.3
* MCAT: I just took it two weeks ago, but I am guessing in the 25-30 range (I am pretty confident about it)
* Volunteer is limited, but I do have lots of scholarships and even studied abroad last summer in London.
* I am also Hispanic (I don't know how schools look at the minority factor)

Can anyone give me advice as to which schools are in reach of me? THANKS!

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A few questions first:

1. What state do you reside in?
2. How far along are you in the application process? (is your PS complete, do you have your LORs in, have you completed any of the primary, etc.)
3. How much and what type of clinical experience do you have?
me too! in terms of the newbie thing, at least.. and i'm starting to get suuuper stressed out too haha.. mainly because my GPA is pretty lame. but at least i have a bunch of extracurriculars.. hopefully those will save me..
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A few questions first:

1. What state do you reside in?
2. How far along are you in the application process? (is your PS complete, do you have your LORs in, have you completed any of the primary, etc.)
3. How much and what type of clinical experience do you have?

I'm from Florida; my primary app. is 3/4 of the way complete, letters of recommendation are done; BUT... I am lacking in the clinical experience. How bad is this?
How lacking is lacking? If you have 100+ hours, you're fine. Any less than 75 or so, and you could probably use some more. If you have no experience, you need to remedy that immediately.

If you score in the upper 20's or low 30's on the MCAT, I'd say your chances of getting into a Florida school are pretty good.
If you have none, I'd sit this cycle out. The first thing an Adcom will think is how you know medicine is right for you when you have no experience.