Number of Labs vs. Quality RA Exp.

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Oct 5, 2013
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I've currently been in a lab for a year and it's a great experience for me. However, I am interested in pursuing a Ph. D. in Counseling Psychology and was wondering if it was necessary to join an additional lab tailored to counseling or clinical psychology. I'm now a junior. I'm not too sure if I could handle being in two labs at the same time and I don't really want to leave the lab I'm currently in because it's a really awesome lab atmosphere. But I will leave the lab and join a clinical/counseling lab if it will boost my chances in being accepted into a graduate program.

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Depends. If you can stay in the developmental lab and get a poster, help with a manuscript, something to get a product out of it, I'd stay there. If another lab gives you a wholly different experience (e.g., exposure to new patient population, new techniques, research opportunities) I'd jump ship. Kind of depends, I definitely say quality over quantity, but it also depends on if the current lab is diminishing returns after a time.
Quality over quantity, I'd say. Besides, don't overextend yourself.