Oakland University William Beaumont school of medicine vs. Wayne State school of medicine

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7+ Year Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Hello, I am fortunate enough to have received an acceptance from Oaklamd University William Beaumont school of medicine (OUWB) with a half ride and Wayne State school of medicine with an $18,000/year scholarship.

Please help me decide which to attend by voting for one or the other school with a legitimate, neutral, and unbiased reason as to why you chose that school. Otherwise, the vote is based on ignorance of one school or the other and will not help me with my decision at all.

Thank you in advance.

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Glancing at your profile you've posted at least 8 threads on this topic? You'll probably get the same answers
Glancing at your profile you've posted at least 8 threads on this topic? You'll probably get the same answers
I know I posted multiple times but scholarship amounts have changed and on the last one, people were voting without giving a reason so I decided to take that out and make it to where they would have to give a reason and not just vote blindly
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My vote was for Wayne when you didn't have a scholarship there. With a scholarship, definitely Wayne. You can find reasons for this in the 17 other threads you made about this, where most of the comments weren't regarding cost anyways (so just as valid with the scholarship).
My vote was for Wayne when you didn't have a scholarship there. With a scholarship, definitely Wayne. You can find reasons for this in the 17 other threads you made about this, where most of the comments weren't regarding cost anyways (so just as valid with the scholarship).

Based on what people have told me that currently attend both schools, there seems to be more bad than good at Wayne compared to OUWB, which is why I'm trying to get more opinions. Do you know much about each school? If so, please say some pros and cons about each. Otherwise, your input doesn't help. What I've got so far is:


-very responsive administration
-great curriculum
-grading system that eliminates competition and sets a clear goal for Honors (90% or higher)
-research built into curriculum
-all up to date facilities
-smaller class size = more individualized attention


-great rotations
-more recognized
-attendence not mandatory for Honors
-associating hospitals right next door

That is all I have for pros so far
My vote was for Wayne when you didn't have a scholarship there. With a scholarship, definitely Wayne. You can find reasons for this in the 17 other threads you made about this, where most of the comments weren't regarding cost anyways (so just as valid with the scholarship).
Also, you didn't give a reason before and you aren't now so as I said before, if you aren't giving a reason, you're just one of the votes that were based on ignorance.
Sdn isn't going to choose for you, no matter how many times you ask this question. Which do you find fits better? Did you attend second look for both? Can you see yourself joyfully attending either one? What more do you want to know? Anecdotes from students are hard to judge by... What are you looking for in a medical school and which one meets those requirements best? You can't lose with either one. Theyre both great options.
(Sorry about the underline, i cant turn it off on my phone 🙁)