options for transporting car across the country

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Dissected & Electrocuted
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jan 24, 2007
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Hi, the med school I am going to is across the country. I am not very keen on taking on a very long road trip in my old car. Anybody got tips on any inexpensive and reliable auto-transport companies?


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Hi, the med school I am going to is across the country. I am not very keen on taking on a very long road trip in my old car. Anybody got tips on any inexpensive and reliable auto-transport companies?


Sorry frog, I don't think inexpensive is a keyword you're going to get to keep. You can ship your car, which I've been told is *incrementally* cheaper than hauling it on one of those hitched-movers. I recently researched a one-way Penske truck with hitch for my ancient sedan from NJ to southwestern Ohio. Two days=1,200$. Granted, those prices are Jersey-inflated, but it won't be cheap.
Sorry frog, I don't think inexpensive is a keyword you're going to get to keep. You can ship your car, which I've been told is *incrementally* cheaper than hauling it on one of those hitched-movers. I recently researched a one-way Penske truck with hitch for my ancient sedan from NJ to southwestern Ohio. Two days=1,200$. Granted, those prices are Jersey-inflated, but it won't be cheap.

You can find better deals -- I used a local subcontractor of one of the major moving companies for a similar distanced trip and it only cost $500. They in turn subcontracted the job to another company I had never heard of --probably not bonded/insured and the whole thing sounded quite shady, but it worked out. Very scary looking dude with prison tattoos and not many teeth showed up, put the car right up on a car carrier and hauled it away to my destination without incident. Of course it was a cash transaction.
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Depending on your level of trust, you might also try Craig's List. I've seen quite a few ads looking for people who will drive cars cross country for gas + motel rooms (especially people who are going home from school, etc.), so you might want to look at that.
Hi, the med school I am going to is across the country. I am not very keen on taking on a very long road trip in my old car. Anybody got tips on any inexpensive and reliable auto-transport companies?


I've used Dependable Auto Shippers several times and had good luck with them. Do the terminal to terminal option to save money.
A lot of times companies do not allow you to ship your car with anything in it as well, or at least not have it covered by insurance. So you may need to ship extra things which leads to more expenses.
I am shipping my car from NC to WA ($1250) using Coast to Coast Autotransport. They have good ratings and they check out with BBB. Good luck...this whole process sucks!
I have decided to drive my old plymouth across the country rather than pay to ship or tow it.

I am scared.

Auto transport runs about 50 cents per loaded mile. Find a local trucker and have them put it on Central Dispatch.. thats the cheapest route to go. Otherwise, if you deal with such and such transporter...they just charge twice as much and put it on Central Dispatch... so ideally, find a trucker (owner/operator), give him 50 bucks and your information on what needs hauled and a phone number...and he posts it on the Central Dispatch which is like a central freight posting board...

Good Luck

EDIT: You can actually sign up for a free 30 day trial: http://www.centraldispatch.com/ If you do that, just list what you have, where it is leaving from, and where it is going to, and that you are willing to pay X amount of money per mile. Try to see what others in the area are getting before naming a price. The way it works, say I load my hauler where I live and happen to haul a load to where you are at... Nobody wants to back haul empty, so you hit central dispatch and try to scrounge up at least something for the backhaul...if I happen to be going back to where you are needing it moved to, then I would be happy to haul it for you... now if everyone else wants 50 cents per mile and you are asking 20...I am going to fill my rig with the 50 cent people... naturally if there is nothing else though, I might would do if for around 20-30 cents... dont expect cheaper than that though...
I made it from Seattle to DC in 4 days in my 10-year-old Mercury back in 2004. It had more than 90K miles on it at the time.

I'm still driving the damn car, and, although it has had some issues lately, it is adequate for my needs.

I say: drive it. gl.
I'd say drive it and keep your cash in your pocket! ;)
I recently had two friends that needed to ship their cars and they used a company that contracted it out to truckers who happened to be going the right way. My friends both had a TON of problems and it was basically a nightmare. So, just be careful which company you use. I shipped my car with Dependable Auto Shippers once and it was incredibly easy, but it was really expensive (maybe, as the previous poster said, it was NJ inflation).
I would say drive it... with the cost of sending it cross country and the added cost of sending belongings you may want that you cannot send with the car you are looking at a hefty expense... 4-5 days of driving might save you money actually. I would do a budget of each option and then begin searching... I am already beginning to do this because my trek from Oregon to the east coast is going to be painful as well.