Optometry schools

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Apr 30, 2002
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Just wondering if you guys know which are the most generous OD schools in term of accepting lower GPA and OAT. Also, this might have come up before but what's the lowest GPA and OAT that yall have heard getting in.

Thanks for the info

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Take a look at ASCO's profile for the 2001 entering class, which covers stats for all 17 optometry schools in the U.S.: <a href="http://www.opted.org/info_profile2.cfm" target="_blank">2001 Profile</a>
from what I've heard, puerto rico is the easiest.. and NOVA follows a close second. But, like r_salis said.. there are the 2001 stats.
I agree with cpw - Puerto Rico & Nova seem to be the more easier schools to get into.

Good Luck :)