OT: Worked OTC in a pharmacy, now I never want to be a pharmacist

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Yes, but I believe with the knowledge that pharmacists possesses, they will have new responsibilities. Probably ten years later, people will start to complain about too much responsibilities for too little pay

Few people enter pharmacy because of the low pay (with respect to schooling and responsibilities), causing a shortage of pharmacists. Salaries and sign-on bonuses skyrocket, then we repeat the cycle starting with everyone and their mom and dad wanting to become a pharmacist. 🙄

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Few people enter pharmacy because of the low pay (with respect to schooling and responsibilities), causing a shortage of pharmacists. Salaries and sign-on bonuses skyrocket, then we repeat the cycle starting with everyone and their mom and dad wanting to become a pharmacist. 🙄

Is this sarcasm or are you being serious? Ha.
Is this sarcasm or are you being serious? Ha.

I'm mostly being sarcastic, although a shortage can occur in the future. That is if schools (especially the less reputable ones) close down or downsize drastically due to a significantly reduced applicant pool as job prospects get worse. But then again, there might always be those who think that getting into pharmacy school --> 2.0 GPA --> (a PharmD is a PharmD is a) PharmD ---> 100k salary who will fuel demand for spots at pharmacy schools.
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No one wants to work if they don't have to at ANY job. Everyone prefers NOT to work at all. Working for YEARS at any job sucks no matter what the job is. That's the truth here. ALL jobs suck and working for YEARS at any job sucks even more.

But sorry, unless you are Oprah or Bill Gates you gotta work!

If you are a guy then go to medical school instead. Pharmacy is 80% women...it's a job that allows us to have children and work part time etc. Men should be going into medical school. It helps attract more women that's for sure! :laugh: You want a hot wife? Go to med school! Good luck!

I disagree. People choose to work because it gives them a causes and something to do. If you didnt have to work and could stay home, you would quickly find out how boring it is. Your examples of Oprah and Bill Gates are great examples of this. Both of them do not need to work, yet they are still focusing their efforts towards philanthropic causes. Even though many people may not like their jobs, there are also many people that do. Any job will have downsides, but depending on the person, the perks can greatly outweigh them.

OP is not saying that he doesnt want to work. He is merely expressing his disappointment at what he found retail pharmacy to be, as he is Pre-pharm himself. From reading your post, it seems that you mostly agree with him that pharmacy is not that great of a job.