perio residency

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May 20, 2006
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Hi all,

I am interested in specializing in perio but I am not sure how competitive it is. Does anybody know what are the ave range of gpa, board scores, class rank etc. to get into a perio program? Is perio considered an easy specialty to get into?

any advice is welcome

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Hi all,

I am interested in specializing in perio but I am not sure how competitive it is. Does anybody know what are the ave range of gpa, board scores, class rank etc. to get into a perio program? Is perio considered an easy specialty to get into?

any advice is welcome

I'll post something for fodder.

Some people have mentioned it is easier to get into a perio program as a foreign grad vs. getting into an Internatial Dental Program. So...whatever that means...

It has got to depend on the program. Some programs have more traditional scope, others are outside their scope.

Call up some perio programs, you'll get a good idea after just a few calls.