Pgy-1 FM looking to transfer in to psych--how to even go about it?

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Jul 30, 2024
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Has anyone successfully done this? Can you give me any insight as to how to go about it? I know I can re-enter the match, I could cold call? I have no idea how any of it works other than just knowing I have to wait after the 45 days.

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Honestly depends how strong of an applicant you were originally, how many interviews you got, and what you think went wrong. What makes you think you could go through this process again and get a different outcome.

Obviously this happens, and you would not be the first person to manage to make this swap. But these are the questions you need to answer to help you think about your plan.
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In short my step 2 score came in extremely late (like as late a you can imagine) and it was subpar. At the time I was studying, my mom was going into hospice care and it was a back and forth of going to the hospital until my siblings and I were in regular end of life meetings until she ultimately died. Outside of that, I had amazing letters (the few interviews I had even commented on them) and a ton of research. My undergrad was in psych so my interest is demonstrated.
I know it might be unlikely but I feel like I have to try. Im just not happy where I am right now and I'd sooner leave medicine altogether.
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Sorry to hear about all of your struggles.

Unfortunately, my question is the same--what makes you think you could go through this process again and get a different outcome? Did you already apply for less competitive programs in less desirable locations? Is there something that will be new that will help your application?
You’ll likely need to complete the year, and you’ll have better odds trying to transfer into a PGY-2 position. You’ll likely get partial credit for this year. An immediate transfer is highly unlikely. Dropping out is a red flag that you likely can’t overcome.

You want a good letter from your PD. Some programs have dedicated PGY-2 slots for transfers. Some will have unexpected openings. I would start reaching out to programs and get a gauge for where may have positions. I’d apply to every PGY-2 position.
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Thank you! If I apply as a transfer and finish the year, can (should) I use my previous letters? Do I need more letters from my current program beyond the program director? My worry there is the fact that because I switch rotations so rapidly in my program, I never really get to know the attendings and I really just work with the senior residents so Im not sure how I would get a letter of rec out of it?
Or just stay in family medicine. Enjoy being done in 3 years.
Open your own DPC practice. Keep the psych in house.
Take the extra effort to get to know your patients and counsel life/behavioral improvements.
Read books, take CME on psych. I.e. hammer down on say, CBT? and offer that. Not getting results for patients, punt.
Enjoy knowing you can punt more severe cases, and you get the break up of monotony. Not another day of depression/anxiety/cannabis.
Instead you get some HTN, DM, Asthma, CP AND a bunch of psych.
Plus with FM, you can truly live anywhere. Like working where you actually find real @Babyreindeer
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What made you want to switch? Was there something specifically you disliked about FM? In what ways do you think psych will be different than FM?
What made you want to switch? Was there something specifically you disliked about FM? In what ways do you think psych will be different than FM?
I guess my only answer was that I never wanted FM to begin with. I was pressured by my student affairs office and thats where I landed.