PGY-1 to prepare for ophtho next year?

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7+ Year Member
Sep 23, 2015
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Hey guys, I'm a PGY-1 currently, and I'm about 6 months out from (finally) starting ophthalmology. My question to you all who are residents (or were residents), is this: what is the best way to start prepping for next year? I do have an ophthalmology month scheduled in February, and I know that'll help. However, I'm wondering what resources are good to start reviewing now.

I appreciate any and all input.

- OM

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Enjoy your time! See and do as much as you can during your February rotation, but don't worry too much about trying to learn everything before you even show up for your first day. No one expects you to know anything of value when you start. That's what your next 3 years are for.

If you want a nice concise resource that would come in handy during your rotation, get a Wills Manual and read about the various conditions you see during that month.
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