Please help me pick the right schools....

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Sep 2, 2001
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This is my second time applying and I'm trying to narrow down my list of schools to apply to. My undergrad gpa is a 3.05 with sci being under 3.0, my masters GPA is 3.75, with a 3.75sci gpa. My first DAT was 18/19/17, but I will retake, aiming for 20+ in all section.

I'm an MD resident and would like to stay close to MD. List thus far: UMD(first choice), VCU, UPitt, Temple and Nova. I was thinking maybe UPenn, anyone have other suggestions/schools?

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drpduck said:
This is my second time applying and I'm trying to narrow down my list of schools to apply to. My undergrad gpa is a 3.05 with sci being under 3.0, my masters GPA is 3.75, with a 3.75sci gpa. My first DAT was 18/19/17, but I will retake, aiming for 20+ in all section.

I'm an MD resident and would like to stay close to MD. List thus far: UMD(first choice), VCU, UPitt, Temple and Nova. I was thinking maybe UPenn, anyone have other suggestions/schools?
Nova has the largest application pool. :rolleyes:
drpduck said:
This is my second time applying and I'm trying to narrow down my list of schools to apply to. My undergrad gpa is a 3.05 with sci being under 3.0, my masters GPA is 3.75, with a 3.75sci gpa. My first DAT was 18/19/17, but I will retake, aiming for 20+ in all section.

I'm an MD resident and would like to stay close to MD. List thus far: UMD(first choice), VCU, UPitt, Temple and Nova. I was thinking maybe UPenn, anyone have other suggestions/schools?

Case Western and NYU
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I thought Case Western had a large emphasis on GPA. Last time I applied to them, they rejected me outright. I do have a good masters GPA, but I don't know if they are going to look beyond my undergrad.

I was thinking about Tufts too. What other schools look at your latest work the most?
Stanford, UC Berkeley and Princeton have excellent schools.