Pod school ...

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15+ Year Member
Jun 26, 2004
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I got a question for you guys and gals. I'm currently applying to the DO schools that you see under my name and I am thinking about sending an app to pod schools as well. My question is that when I looked to start the app, it asks if you have applied or will to health professions and osteopathic was one.

Now, does it matter if I say that I have?

Also, I got a 3.3 GPA and a 24M [8 VR, 7 PS, 9 BS].

Any feedback will be appreciated :thumbup:

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I got a question for you guys and gals. I'm currently applying to the DO schools that you see under my name and I am thinking about sending an app to pod schools as well. My question is that when I looked to start the app, it asks if you have applied or will to health professions and osteopathic was one.

Now, does it matter if I say that I have?

Also, I got a 3.3 GPA and a 24M [8 VR, 7 PS, 9 BS].

Any feedback will be appreciated :thumbup:

Ofocurse it will affect. The question is why do u wanna be a podiatrist.:confused: Are u considering podiatry as a backup option or u really like it. u cud be asked this question.

Just FYI, podiatry is not similar to MD.i mean its a branch of medicine but its not MD. ITS NOT MD OR DO. many wanna be Mds or pre-meds who join podiatry bcoz they didnt got accepted to DO or MD school always have real time adjusting in podiatry school and often end up not happy. So u shud be prepared for it unless u really liked podiatry and wanted to be one.

By the way ur stats are perfect for podiatry schools. And this stats will also land u in a DO school also. 24 mcat is good for many DO schools. dont worry u will get in DO School.if u dont, then reapply early next year. Just dont come to podiatry as a backup option. u r not gonna like it friend. its not DO or MD. its DPM:thumbup:
I know what podiatry is, thanks for the response though and the encouragement.
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I know what podiatry is, thanks for the response though and the encouragement.

So do u have the answer than? Is podiatry ur backup option or why are u applying to DO and Pod schools. U better be prepared for this question. i can bet a 1000 u will be asked in pod school interview. and believe me, as soon as u send ur application to pod schools, u will get invites for interview in days. So u cud be sitting in an interview answering this question in 2-3 weeks from now. We (Podiatry admission system) are extraordinarily fast in processing applications:laugh:
So do u have the answer than? Is podiatry ur backup option or why are u applying to DO and Pod schools. U better be prepared for this question. i can bet a 1000 u will be asked in pod school interview. and believe me, as soon as u send ur application to pod schools, u will get invites for interview in days. So u cud be sitting in an interview answering this question in 2-3 weeks from now. We (Podiatry admission system) are extraordinarily fast in processing applications:laugh:

fast? more like Light Speed baby. By the way I applied to dental schools but changed to Podiatry and wherever I have interviewed they have made a big deal about why I went from teeth to feet and asked me if you know what your getting yourself into. So be ready and honest adcoms can smell BS from miles away.
I applied to Dental school in the past also but switched to Podiatry because I like it more. When I was applyng to dental school, I didnt know about podiatry until my friend who is in podiatry school told me about it. So I did some shadowing to find out more and after seeing a couple of surgeries and some minor nail and ankle care, It was evident that podiatry was for me. So I stopped my persuit for Dental schools because hey, why spend money on something you're not going to do? When i was interviewed though, he did ask me about dentistry and it was important to explain why I changed to podiatry. The interviewer wants to know that podiatry is not a backup plan because why accept someone who's heart is not totally in it? That leads to unhappy students and podiatrists in the future.

So make sure this is something you could enjoy for the rest of your life and not just a back up plan. You also dont want to have the feeling that you wanted to become a DO but went into podiatry instead. Hope this helps
I got a question for you guys and gals. I'm currently applying to the DO schools that you see under my name and I am thinking about sending an app to pod schools as well. My question is that when I looked to start the app, it asks if you have applied or will to health professions and osteopathic was one.

Now, does it matter if I say that I have?

Also, I got a 3.3 GPA and a 24M [8 VR, 7 PS, 9 BS].

Any feedback will be appreciated :thumbup:

I think your stats are ok for both pod schools and DO schools. I do anticipate schools asking you why DPM over DO or why DO over DPM and you just gotta be honest. Tell them you are interested in becoming a health care provider first and foremost. If your interview was a D.O. interview, then you gotta tell them why you want to be a physician and treat the entire body, but if the interview was for a DPM school, then you gotta tell them why you want to specialize in the lower extremity.

You are certainly entitled to apply for more than one type of school - and when a school interviews that means that they are interested in you, so at which point you have to emphasize why you want to enroll in their program.

Good luck with your endeavours - you're definately choosing from two excellent professions.
I think your stats are ok for both pod schools and DO schools. I do anticipate schools asking you why DPM over DO or why DO over DPM and you just gotta be honest. Tell them you are interested in becoming a health care provider first and foremost. If your interview was a D.O. interview, then you gotta tell them why you want to be a physician and treat the entire body, but if the interview was for a DPM school, then you gotta tell them why you want to specialize in the lower extremity.

You are certainly entitled to apply for more than one type of school - and when a school interviews that means that they are interested in you, so at which point you have to emphasize why you want to enroll in their program.

Good luck with your endeavours - you're definately choosing from two excellent professions.

Thank you very much.:thumbup: