Pre-Med Student: Is a 3.6-3.8 GPA still possible for me?

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May 5, 2021
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Hey guys,

I hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I am a college junior (undergrad). I am also a Pre-med/pre-health student. My current, overall GPA is a 3.57. I am expecting my semester GPA for the Spring 2021 semester to be a 3.11-3.3. Thus, this will lead to a drop in my cumulative GPA.
The following is just based on rough calculations I did for my predicted/expected end-of-semester grades for Spring:

Math course - B+
History course - A
Biology course (Genetics) - C+

My university is a STEM-oriented school with extremely rigorous science courses and a high grading scale. However, due to everything being online now, and to combat cheating, professors have increased the difficulty of their courses and some are administering extremely arduous exams and coursework. This is particularly true for my Genetics course. My grades have been affected by this, even with arguably sufficient studying.

Note that I have not taken any of my pre-med courses (Gen Chem I Physics 1, Stats/Calc I etc.) or any advanced Biology (major) electives, but I will be doing so next semester. Is it still possible for me to attain/maintain a 3.6-3.8 GPA if I do well in my premed and advanced elective courses, even with my (expected) grades this semester? I am missing 34/120 (all science) credits to complete my B.S. This situation is posing as a stressor to me.

Also, can someone provide please advice/feedback on my transcript? I originally did not know that I wanted to go into medical school and could have applied myself more to some of my Biology courses where I got B+ grades.

Thank you in advance.

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Agree with poster above that high MCAT can help a 3.5-3.7 GPA but anything lower will be difficult. Keep pushing, and talk to profs if you feel it's unfair. Most are willing to help.
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