Research Topic Idea: Retrospective Analysis of Patients Treated w/ Antiretroviral Therapy and Hospitalization w/ COVID-19

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Apr 29, 2012
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I'm curious how many people will make the following question their research topic for their residency: Do patients *treated* for HIV/AIDS contract COVID-19 (are these drugs useful prophylaxis against COVID-19)? What combination is the best prophylaxis? What about PrEP? We could also put Remdesivir to rest. If anyone is in a huge hospital system that has access to this data, it could be a good paper. Searches to include diagnosis of HIV or AIDS, treatment with antiretroviral therapy, and diagnosis of COVID-19. To be honest, I haven't done a big search on what data might be available, and I no longer work in a hospital system. It might be too soon to conduct any data analyses (so might be a topic for next year). I see the NIH has a handout, but provides no guidance. Or on the other hand, maybe some of you have seen patients in the hospital treated for COVID-19 and have a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. Anyone willing to share what they've seen?

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I can't answer your specific questions, but I am guessing next year at mid year there will be no less than 200 posters that involve COVID-19
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I will respectfully disagree on the usefulness or quality of this type of analysis. Confounding is going to muddy any result regardless of methods. We need randomized data.
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You'd have an easier time with a prospective study but how are you going to collect cases is the big question, not to mention the lack of antibody testing currently.
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