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15+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
august 2009: 9v, 10p, 11b q studied during the summer
april 2010: 7v, 11p, 11b p studied all semester (A LOT- almost full time)

my averages for the aamc tests were around 33 first time around (and 37ish second time around, obviously a bit skewed)
i took ALL the aamc, princeton review, and kaplan tests

i freaked out during the april exam- up until the last second my heart was pumping. but yea... i definitely coulda been muchh calmer and focused. i dunno how to explain my scores..i've definitely overstudied for the mcat- can't really study any more than i have.

3.8 gpa
top 20 school
great ecs
good to great recs

was planning on submitting my primary early june... should i take the test over on the june 17th? scores for that date come out july 20th

7 in verbal is 30th percentile :(

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Where are you applying to? 29 should land you somewhere with that GPA... its hard to bring up verbal in 3 weeks. If i were you I would apply 1st, with that score and take the test again in July/early August with mass studying and lots of verbal passages.
how would that work? would i apply without checking "wait for scores" and then resubmit with new score?