Board Exams Sept Discount Group: 50% off Beat the Boards & Pass the Machine

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Jan 12, 2023
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Hi! We're organizing a group discount for Beat the Boards and Pass the Machine 50% discount ($648.50 discount). We will need to reach 50 enrollments for the full 50% off discount. We can start enrollment when we are at 70-75 to better ensure that 50 are enrolled for the full discount.

  • Sign up:
  • Who this is for:
    • Those taking boards in the next few years. The start of the one-year program can be delayed. Often, trainees who know they are specializing will purchase two programs at once to lock in a good price (first-year Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellows often purchase the programs for adult boards as well as child boards at the same time).
    • The discount applies for any of the specialties and sub-specialties listed on Pass-Guaranteed Board Review | American Physician Institute qualify including the following:


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Members don't see this ad :)
  • YAY we are off and rolling with Beat the Boards/Pass the Machine enrollment!
    Use the following link: Enrollment Link
    Ends Sunday 10/27 at 3pm PT (10/28 Monday 1 am Saudi Time)
    Make sure you choose the year you are taking your test.
    If you do not see the correct rate (50% off), remove the full-priced course from the shopping cart and re-add the correct course using the group link above.
    BTB Representative:
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our representative Lynne at [email protected].