SF/Silicon Valley - Dental Bench Prep Course for International Dental Applicants! - www.dentalbenchprep.com

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Jul 31, 2019
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Don't wait! Dental bench Prep is offering an Advanced Dental Bench Test preparation course for international dentists preparing to apply to US dental schools. We are accepting reservations for a limited number of seats left for the course starting in Silicon Valley/Bay Area, California from August 31st 2019 - September 2nd 2019.

The preps course will include lectures and training on - Class 2 amalgam & composites, Crown and Bridge preps(gold, PFM & all-ceramic) and Mock Bench test with critiques. The course will only have 3-5 students, so it will be a small group setting with lots of individual attention!!

The course instructors are faculty at well recognized US dental schools and have over 27 years teaching experience and over 20 years clinical experience in private practice.

Seats are limited! Please contact as soon as possible at [email protected] for further information or more details on www.dentalbenchprep.com

Facebook link: Dental Bench Prep


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