Should I apply this cycle for dental school even though I have to retake a summer course?

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Apr 18, 2020
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Hi everyone
I'm currently getting my masters right now in medical sciences. Its only a year long so I'll be graduated by May of 2021. Yet, unfortunately I did not pass a science course that is only available during the summer. So in order to get my masters degree, I need to retake that science course which I will start in June of 2021 and finish in the end of july 2021.
I really want to avoid taking a gap year but I'm not sure if applying for this cycle would look good because I still need to retake this summer course. Another concern I have is if the schedules will conflict. I thought most dental schools start in august but I'm not sure; and I dont know if I will finish my summer course by the time another schools dental semester starts. Any advice would be helpful, I'm just not sure if its smart to apply this cycle or if it would be safer to just take the gap year and apply next cycle to avoid looking bad to admission committees

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I'd consider that its a little late in the cycle regardless IMO. But, the masters isn't a requirement so it technically doesn't matter if you do it or not (I had/have an unfinished masters). If you do a gap though be sure and have a clear plan on how you want to fill that year with dental app improvements and not just hanging around of course.
If your other stats etc are good, you've got everything ready to apply, have the money etc and you want to shoot your shot, go for it