Should I even bother for MD Schools?

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10+ Year Member
Dec 30, 2010
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Just got my MCAT score and was very disappointed, after working so hard for so long to retake the test I still didnt do so hot. With my stats below should i even bother applying for MD schools or is it a waste of money/time?

7/16/2011: B:11 P:8 V:7 total: 26M
6/31/2012: B:10 P:9 V:9 total: 28M I honestly feel like this is a fluke I felt like I did so much better on both physical sciences and Bio, I was getting consistent 11s and 12s on these sections in the practice tests. But I was very pleasantly surprised with my verbal score. I averaged about 31 on my practice tests

GPA: 3.57, science: 3.41

Tons of activities and leadership positions, including HIV research, captain of a dance team, board member of two service organizations, and a lot of volunteering.
About 54 hours of shadowing in the US, 100 more in india. Im going to shadow some more this summer.

Two amazing ones, others are good too.

What do you think? I am definitely applying to DO schools, but I just want to know if its worth it to apply to MD schools. I already submitted my apps and am waiting for verification.

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A bit on the low side, but depending on your state of residence, you could get lucky with an MD program. I think it wouldn't hurt to apply to some.
thanks, I live in Washington state so I only have one med school which is shared with 3 other states (lucky me) but as far as out of state schools go is it too long of a shot?
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thanks, I live in Washington state so I only have one med school which is shared with 3 other states (lucky me) but as far as out of state schools go is it too long of a shot?
Well, it could happen, but definitely the odds aren't in your favor. Unfortunately, a 28 is close to the 10th percentile at many schools, which often goes to in-state students and URM/Disadvantaged. If your in-state was NM/AR/KS/LA or something like that, I'd say you're in the running, but OOS is a tough sell. Personally, I would still try, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'd apply broadly to lower tier and newer MD OOS schools. I think you have a shot. If you don't get in at least you tried and will most likely end up with multiple DO acceptances.
alright, thanks for the advice! This is so disappointing though. I am very shocked at my science scores. Ah well, life goes on.
Question: How do you know two of your letters are amazing?:confused:
If your writers are awesome enough/close enough to you then they will send you a copy. Thats what my boss and one of my instructors did, even though I checked the box that said I do not want to see them.
Two things:
1)what difference does it make? I did not request to see the letters, my writers both decided to send me a copy after they mailed them off. Its not like the content of what they wrote would have been any different if I didn't see them.
2)If you are not going to add anything productive to the thread then don't post, I am trying to get some advice here.
Clearly you missed the sarcasm in my first post...
lol sorry I know im uptight right now, its been a rough day given my MCAT score.
I would say it's definitely worth it, provided you are realistic with your expectations for MD schools you apply to. You need to figure out ways to stand out from the rest of the applicants, given your weaker stats.
thanks for the input. I will whip up a realistic list and apply. I have about 18 schools listed so far, not including DO schools. Hopefully at least one will be an acceptance!