Medical Should I include academic infraction if it doesn't appear on transcript in AACOMAS?

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Jun 11, 2010
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In my first semester of undergrad I had received academic probation due my gpa being below a 2.0. However, I was able to medically withdraw some of the courses that semester. This resulted in my gpa being a 3.57 for that semester and academic probation disappearing from my transcript.

I was wondering if I should check "yes" or "no" in the question pertaining to academic infraction on the AACOMAS application. I am conflicted to what I should do.
Yes, you have to click the box and explain.

This is common and it won't hurt you.

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I called AACOMAS but they have mentioned if it does not show on my official, I do not which confuses me. I believe it was a warning so should I still check "yes" on the box?
I would just check yes and explain. If the infraction was just because of your GPA and you explain it, that's far better than not checking it and finding out that it appeared on your transcript later.
I ordered my official transcript for myself but it does not show it as I medically withdrew from the courses later on. However, I will probably check "yes" in case. Would you still recommend me to still check "yes" despite it not showing on my transcript?

Let me copy paste with a quick edit:

I would just check yes and explain. If the infraction was just because of your GPA and you explain it, that's far better than not checking it and finding out that it appeared on ANYTHING later.
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