I'm putting together my experiences for an app next year and wondering about including a specific one. I live in a community that has an HOA. Our municipality requires us to have an HOA, nobody wanted to run it, and so I volunteered. I wasn't able to find anything online about others including this experience, so I wanted to get people's thoughts.
- I'll probably put ~100 hours into this by the time I apply in June next year. It's a lot of budget stuff, finding vendors, running meetings, etc.
- It is a leadership position (non-profit board of directors)
- I am uncompensated, so it is volunteer work.
- It directly serves my local neighborhood.
- It is an HOA. People hate these things. I run a chill one, but that doesn't mean the adcom member reading my app doesn't have an axe to grind with theirs.
- I have better volunteering (hospice) and leadership (director level at work) experience, so I don't really *need* these hours.
- It just makes me stick out more as a nontrad(?)