Medical Should I take Credit/No Credit for Orgo 2?

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Because of COVID-19, my school has allowed us to elect Credit/No Credit for classes that we choose. I'm in Orgo 2 right now and I don't think I'll be able to get a B because I did horribly on my third exam. It's really unlikely for me to get a B at this point and I don't want to risk getting a C and lowering my GPA. Many of the med schools that I'm looking at don't require orgo 2, or if they do, will accept biochem (which i'm taking) instead. I'm on track with my other classes to get A's so I'm not sure how bad a grade of "Credit" will look to med schools, especially if they don't require it or are understanding to the fact that some people will need to take a CR/NC grade this semester.

I should also mention that I'll be looking into grad schools/SMPs to enroll in prior to applying to med school. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm on a bit of a time crunch because I need to decide by 04/28 if I should take the credit/no credit for orgo.
This is an odd year, so taking Credit is probably better than a C. COVID-19's has been very disruptive to the classroom experience and you might have done better with a more formal teaching method.

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Thank you guys for your advice! I've also decided on taking the "credit" option for orgo; I'll still be studying for the final as I normally would, and if by some miracle I end up with a B, I'll ask my school or professor to verify that when I apply to med school.

Sounds like a plan! Good luck!
Thank you guys for your advice! I've also decided on taking the "credit" option for orgo; I'll still be studying for the final as I normally would, and if by some miracle I end up with a B, I'll ask my school or professor to verify that when I apply to med school.

You choose one or the other as it actually looks worse as it looks like you were grade preserving in that mode. You take the Credit, and you move on. You cannot have it both ways, and your explanation for why you took a Credit falls apart if you did that.
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