SLU Class of 2008

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i'm still in the hunt a place

i'm also wondering if anyone knows if we can set up our slu email yet...i know the email directory has a listing for me. I think you may have to go to the ITs office to get it going...

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Have any of you guys sent in the app. and $100 fee to join the SLU-AMA/MSS? I'm still debating on whether or not I should join.
I have. It's only $100, you get a nifty membership card, and you'll get a bunch of nifty magazines in the mail. w00t!
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I just signed on for a room at the Drake Plaza Apartments, about a mile and a half from the school. I haven't seen the place yet, but it seems nice, and it was only an 80 dollar application fee to claim a room, so even if it turns out to be a hole (which I doubt it will, based on what I've read), I'm not out much money. And if it is nice, well, my search is over! Plus, some of the singles are ginormous, and rent isn't too bad.

Looking forward to meeting you all in a couple weeks!
Hey everyone! I'm stoked about starting at SLU in a couple weeks!

I can't believe I'm driving the whole way out there (I live in CA) one week from today. :eek: It's totally crazy, absolutely NUTS, complete insanity! Anyway- Im going to be looking into some of the apartment complexes closer to campus like drake plaza and West End Terrace. I also hear the Central West End is one of the better places to live in Saint Louis, so the reserve at forest park is also an option.

I'm looking for a roomate as well, so if anyone is still looking, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Alright, looking forward to meeting you all really soon!

It's crazy that school will start in a couple of weeks :scared: . Anyways, people should live near the Reserve at Forest Park so I will have classmates near by :D . If anyone is looking for 1 bedrooms, they are pretty reasonable at $535 a month with 150-200 off first month's rent. Anyways, enjoy the rest of the summer and I'll see you at orientation.
I just got the call a few hours ago. Now I've got to find an apartment. Where's everyone living? I was thinking the Central West End would be a good location...
Hey guys, we should definitely have a get-together. Alas, I am only a freshman (undergrad), but I'm still really close. I'm staying @ Reinert (right across the bridge from the med school campus). I have a major in Pre-med Investigative and Medical Sciences, therefore I have a Clinical Lab Sciences class on the med school campus (every thursday, lecture and lab), so I'm over there every week :D
