social constructivism vs social cognitive theory

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7+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2015
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What is the exact difference between these two terms? They both mean that gaining knowledge involves social aspects and observing and gaining experience in environment.

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In the simplest form, you can think about social constructivism (Piaget, Zygotsky) as "learning by doing" and social cognitive theory (Bandura) as "learning by observing." Let's use a classroom setting to explain the differences. Classroom A has students that are being taught via social constructivist theory, and classroom B has students that are being taught via social cognitive theory. The teacher in classroom A will act as a mediator, encouraging the students to create their own hypotheses and find the answers, while the teacher in classroom B will instead try to explain everything to the students. Students in classroom A will be encouraged to think critically more than they memorize. Make sense?
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