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5+ Year Member
Oct 30, 2017
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Hey everyone!

Long time lurker here- just wanted to get your guy's input on what you think my chances are for getting in to a DO school this cycle.

FL resident
2 science, 1 MD, 1 DO LOR (should I get a non science LOR?)

1000+ hours of hospital volunteering
Orgo TA 2 semesters
Private tutor 1 year
MD & DO shadowing (150 hours)
Karate instructor over summer (300 hours)
Research 1 semester
Volunteer at child development organization (90 hours)

Im basically applying to every DO school besides MSU. Are there other schools I should take off my list? Of the schools left, do I stand a good chance of getting in?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

EDIT: I have a 3.35 sGPA, not 3.34 as stated above
Also volunteered at an underserved elementary school for a semester

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Hey everyone!

Long time lurker here- just wanted to get your guy's input on what you think my chances are for getting in to a DO school this cycle.

FL resident
2 science, 1 MD, 1 DO LOR (should I get a non science LOR?)

1000+ hours of hospital volunteering
Orgo TA 2 semesters
Private tutor 1 year
MD & DO shadowing (150 hours)
Karate instructor over summer (300 hours)
Research 1 semester
Volunteer at child development organization (90 hours)

Im basically applying to every DO school besides MSU. Are there other schools I should take off my list? Of the schools left, do I stand a good chance of getting in?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

EDIT: I have a 3.35 sGPA, not 3.34 as stated above
Goro has a bad boy list consisting of Nova, LUCOM, WM Carrey, and Touro-NY. Unless you have a really good reason to apply to one of those schools, I would steer clear. Use the search function if you want the reasons for each school, they are all different reasons, but for Nova, its because their level 1 pass rates have been declining over the years (at 85% now if I'm not mistaken). Beware of LECOM-B's clinicals.
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Goro has a bad boy list consisting of Nova, LUCOM, WM Carrey, and Touro-NY. Unless you have a really good reason to apply to one of those schools, I would steer clear. Use the search function if you want the reasons for each school, they are all different reasons, but for Nova, its because their level 1 pass rates have been declining over the years (at 85% now if I'm not mistaken). Beware of LECOM-B's clinicals.
Thank you, Ill definitely check that out! In general, do you believe I have a strong chance of getting in this cycle or should I look at a post bacc or retaking my MCAT?
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Thank you, Ill definitely check that out! In general, do you believe I have a strong chance of getting in this cycle or should I look at a post bacc or retaking my MCAT?
Your stats are okay, I think the average DO matriculate stats are 3.4 GPA and 504 MCAT, so you're basically right at that line. With your EC's (nice hospital volunteering btw), id say you're in good shape if you apply broadly.
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You are def right at the line but you should be okay as long as all of your essays are well written and you interview well... I would even add LUCOM and Nova and consider them worst case scenarios... that’s up to you to decide.
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Would you say 25 schools is overkill or just broad enough?
Some schools do require non science LOR. If you can get it that will be good.
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