Study partner for CS in Atlanta, MAY, JUNE

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Dr. Gabber

New Member
7+ Year Member
Jul 31, 2016
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Well, almost everything is stated in a title =)

I'm an IMG, passed step 1 in November 2016, took step 2 CK 20 days ago.
I've got my 2CS scheduled for 20th of June. Till that time I am open to everyone striving to practice.
I monitor the SDN and check for PMs daily.

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Well, almost everything is stated in a title =)

I'm an IMG, passed step 1 in November 2016, took step 2 CK 20 days ago.
I've got my 2CS scheduled for 20th of June. Till that time I am open to everyone striving to practice.
I monitor the SDN and check for PMs daily.
Hi there , I would love to practice with you, the only thing is I'm currently in Canada , and back to Atlanta in June , 17 only , if Skype works for you , I'm down to it.
Let me know please
[email protected]