TCOM anyone?

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Aug 28, 2002
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TCOM just called me for an interview!!! Any other TX osteopathic applicants around here? Its my first interview and my top choice. I'm so excited!! It's next week too; YIKES.

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Ive applied for TCOM but they are still waiting for my pre-med committee interview and my DO LOR. But they are my top choice too financially. I dislike Texas sometimes, but its got its perks when it comes to med school.
I already interviewed at TCOM and it's really laid back. I got interviewed by a Ph.D and a DO, and both were very very conversational. I didn't get any ethical questions, but my advice to you is just be honest with your answers and everything will be ok...

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thanks guys!!

I was at TCOM last month. I had three interviews because I want to do the DO/MPH combined program. The interview day is really laid-back and small. We also got to go off-campus for lunch. Just be yourself.

In addition, the school is not the only one interviewing, but you are interviewing it too. If you have that mentality, you will show more confidence which schools like.
what kind of questions did you ask? Im not one who asks a lot of questions and dont really know what I should be asking or looking for or anything.