The "tell me about yourself" interview question

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Aug 16, 2008
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I think that one of the inevitable questions I'm going to get on a interview is "tell us about yourself." With such question, should I approach it from

1. tell them about my experiences and what I have done i.e. research, volunteer, work etc....

2.tell them about my personality i.e. strengths, weakness goals/ambitions

what does everyone think?

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I think that one of the inevitable questions I'm going to get on a interview is "tell us about yourself." With such question, should I approach it from

1. tell them about my experiences and what I have done i.e. research, volunteer, work etc....

2.tell them about my personality i.e. strengths, weakness goals/ambitions

what does everyone think?
An article appeared on SDN about this once. This is the link

Read the article and form your own opinions. Also, pay attention to the comments.
Doesnt really matter what you tell them but I think the key is to say something that will make you be remembered - something unique, different, special - something that will make you stand out from everyone else as thats the point. also try maybe avoiding regular boring answers - strengths weakness personality unless asked for. More importantly be natural or at least try sound like it. Lastly - paint a quintessential picture/portrait of yourself
. GOOD luck
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The night before my interview at Touro, I wrote down some answers to this question to avoid the bout of blank brain I got at Jefferson. I took the paper with my portfolio to the interview and concentrated pretty much on three things, which helped me remember the other things I wanted to say.
Use the link someone provided in an earlier response. Your goal is to keep the answer under 60 seconds (45 secs is your target), and provide a list of topics that the interviewer can choose from. Obviously you want to present all of your strong points and stay away from your weak points. If your application has weak points, the interviewer will bring it up on his/her own... no need to shoot yourself in the foot before you've even gotten warmed up.