The Usual Question

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Dec 6, 2003
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OK, so I am looking at applying to only one POD school. I took the MCAT in 2004 (25- 10V, 8B, 7P), so this is the last year that it will be valid. I screwed up when originally in school, but when I went back to do pre-reqs and finish off last year of undergrad I maintained a 4.0. So, overall GPA is a 3.15, Pre-reqs 4.0, Overall Science is 3.85, and last 66 hours are all 4.0. I have yet to shadow a POD, but am hoping to set something up next week. I am only interested in Scholl. I live close by and have two kids that I don't want to relocate. Are my chances fair? I know that my stats are a close approximation of their averages for last year's starting class. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

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Not knowing all the details, from what you wrote here I'd say you're an excellent candidate.
How many hours of shadowing does the average applicant put in prior to submission? Is there a rule of thumb?
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The more the better of course, but at least see them enough where they know you and could write a decent recommendation letter if you need.
I don't think there is a rule of thumb, more of a rule of feel like catalyst stated. The most important thing is not the LOR it is knowing that you want to do this and feel comfortable about taking about 200K to make this career step.
I'd think you're stats are fine to apply to Scholl. Also, if you havent shadowed a pod, and you know what school you want to go to, try and shadow one who went to Scholl. I did, and the person who interviewed me knew the person, which I think helped a lot when I got accepted.

Good Luck!
Thanks! One of my goals today is to call some area pods. There's a good chance of finding one who went to Scholl, especially since I live pretty close to the school. How long did you shadow? If I ask to shadow one day a week for a month or month and a half, will that be sufficient exposure?
The podiatrist I shadowed was my neighbor of like 12 years. I only shadowed her on Fridays for like a month. It wasnt a lot, but she only works part-time right now (2 days a week). I didnt go a long time, but I knew that this is what I wanted. If you are not sure, go longer. I plan on shadowing her when I'm back home a few more times and hope I get to see some surgeries too.

But def call Scholl and ask for an alumni that you can shadow.

I think you should be fine.