1) Your individual scores and composite score
PS=15 VR=12 WS=R BS=12 Composite=39R
2) The study method used for each section
Purchased all AAMC Tests. Start test 1. Take it under exam conditions, at the same time of my scheduled exam. Spend two and a half days (12 hour days, no facebook, email, or wasting time..actual 12 hours of studying) going over every single problem, whether I got it right or wrong. Every question I got wrong, or I guessed at all on, I would find the chapter in my book and do problems until I got five right in a row. Start test 2. Repeat for all 8 AAMC Tests.
3) What materials you used for each section(Kaplan, TPR, Examkrackers, AAMC, etc)
My coursebooks and AAMC explanations.
4) Which practice tests did you use?
All AAMC exams.
5) What was your undergraduate major?
6) Any other tips you may have for those of us who still have this test lurking over us?
Pay attention in your classes. The single best advice I can give you. Seriously. Learn the material right. Studying will be many times easier.
7) How long did you study for the MCAT?
Approximately 30 days. Averaged a test every three days or thereabouts. Would take it in the morning, then spend the next 2.5 days going over it and then taking another. 12 hours a day, with Sundays off. And the day before the exam off.
Actually study. Don't zone our or check facebook. I turned my cell phone OFF for the day except for lunch time. I'm not that important. No one will die if they can't reach me until 8pm. (I start at 7AM sharp, and go until 8PM, with about half an hour for lunch and two fifteen minute breaks). I'm pretty good at concentrating for long periods.
My exam scores:
3: 32 (VR 11, BS 10, PS 11)
4: 32 (VR 11, BS 11, PS 10)
5: 35 (VR 12, BS 12, PS 11)
6: 36 (VR 11, BS 12, PS 13)
7: 38 (VR 12, BS 13, PS 13)
8: 39 (VR 13, BS 12, PS 14)
9: 40 (VR 12, BS 13, PS 15)
10: 39 (VR 12, BS 12, PS 15)
My last practice AAMC was exactly the same as my actual AAMC. 1 point improvement in my VR, 2 points in my BS and 4 points in my PS, for a total of 7 point improvement from my first practice. PS was the easiest to improve due to my major so I already "knew" it and this just refreshed my memory, so it was quick gains as it all came back to me. Biology was slower in improving because it's not my major and I actually had to learn some stuff for the first time. VR not really much of an improvement.