Transferring to Northeast medical schools

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2+ Year Member
Apr 29, 2019
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Hi! Does anyone know what northeast medical schools accept transfers? And if anyone has transferred to a medical school in the northeast, what has your experience been like? (Pros, Cons, etc.)

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Transferring is very hard and very rare. You'd need to get support from both your school and the school you're wanting to transfer to, and have a very compelling, personal reason why you want to transfer. The curricular differences between schools are very significant that it makes transferring next to impossible unless you're repeating M1 onwards
Transferring is very hard and very rare. You'd need to get support from both your school and the school you're wanting to transfer to, and have a very compelling, personal reason why you want to transfer. The curricular differences between schools are very significant that it makes transferring next to impossible unless you're repeating M1 onwards
Do you think I would make this thread without a "very compelling, personal reason"? I am not asking for a reality check just looking for advice on how to go about this
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Do you think I would make this thread without a "very compelling, personal reason"? I am not asking for a reality check just looking for advice on how to go about this
I'm just stating the difficulty of the situation. Your best bet is to contact the schools you're wanting to transfer to and check their transfer policies, since it's school specific
Do you think I would make this thread without a "very compelling, personal reason"?
Yes, people do that all the time. In most threads like this, it's better to help direct the OP to other solutions to their problems. You may be different, but we don't know that.

Hopefully, someone who's actually transferred can weigh in with their experience.
I believe AAMC has a handbook that lists out schools that accept transfers.
Outside of that, your best bet is just going to each school’s website directly as they will explicitly state whether or not they accept transfer applicants.