Tulane VS Miami

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Dec 3, 2002
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I know these threads suck, but I'm going to withdraw at one of these in the next few days and I'm torn between the two. Both have big price tags (tulane is higher tuition), are located in great cities, and have good reps in the south. I'm going nuts here trying to decide. The only reservation I have about miami is that I am a north florida guy and going down to miami will be more of a culture shock than goin to lousiana. Other than that I can't decide. Please discuss. I want to make a final decision. Let's get these waitlists moving.

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captbadass said:
I know these threads suck, but I'm going to withdraw at one of these in the next few days and I'm torn between the two. Both have big price tags (tulane is higher tuition), are located in great cities, and have good reps in the south. I'm going nuts here trying to decide. The only reservation I have about miami is that I am a north florida guy and going down to miami will be more of a culture shock than goin to lousiana. Other than that I can't decide. Please discuss. I want to make a final decision. Let's get these waitlists moving.
I vote for Miami: Sylvester Cancer Center, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Bascom-Palmer Eye Institute are all first-rate. Also, they will do back-flips for you if you are interested in research. They just recently got an ENORMOUS donation to the medical school and renamed it. As a visitor to both Tulane and Miami, I definitely liked Miami more. If you think South Beach, Coral Gables and Miami will be a culture shock, you haven't seen anything 'tll you've been in New Orleans at mardi gras time. At Miami at least you'll have the opportunity to attend at the new Boca Raton campus for the first 2 years i think. Then you can ease your way in to the Miami scene. :luck:
captbadass said:
I know these threads suck, but I'm going to withdraw at one of these in the next few days and I'm torn between the two. Both have big price tags (tulane is higher tuition), are located in great cities, and have good reps in the south. I'm going nuts here trying to decide. The only reservation I have about miami is that I am a north florida guy and going down to miami will be more of a culture shock than goin to lousiana. Other than that I can't decide. Please discuss. I want to make a final decision. Let's get these waitlists moving.

I would definitely go to Miami. I interviewed at both Tulane and Miami and was definitely more impressed with Miami. I liked the school as well as the surrounding location more in Miami. I also have a friend who goes there and loves it. Its finally your choice, but I would definitely go to Miami.
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thanks for the input everyone.

yep, goto miami, i need ur tulane spot.
Go to Miami, I'll take your Tulane spot.

I'm basically looking at the same choice. The fact that Miami is ultimately going to be about $90,000 cheaper for me over 4 years has pretty much made my decision for me.

But, if the money thing were equal, I'm pretty sure I would've gone with Tulane. I really liked the loose nature of the curriculum, and I got a better vibe from the students there than anywhere else. Plus, solid MD/MPH program, if I decided to do that, and, of course, New Orleans.

Nothing wrong with Miami. Both schools have tremendous clinical exposure, and Miami probably has a research edge, which I plan to take advantage of.

I've lived in South Florida for most of my life, and while it would be fun to live in New Orleans for a few years, I like it here plenty, so I don't think I'll regret passing on Tulane.

Good luck with your decision.
go to tulane... i need your miami spot! when you do make your decision, please post it
though i haven't been to tulane, my biggest regret about the application process was that i didn't apply to miami's med school. i go to miami undergrad and when application time came around, i got scared off by the big out of state price tag and limited number of seats open to out of staters.
Go to Tulane!!! I need your spot at Miami!
flamingo05 said:
go to tulane... i need your miami spot! when you do make your decision, please post it

i decided on miami. it was a tough call, but i think miami will be best for me. it is my cheapest option. plus if i go there i can go down to the keys and fish.