Umass vs Tufts MD-PhD

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May 4, 2017
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I'm deciding between Tufts and UMass MD-PhD programs (fully funded) so money is not an issue.

  • Boston
  • Really liked current students and faculty
  • Students seemed really happy
  • Liked program directors
  • Not as many research opportunities
  • Haven't met a PI that has really stood out to me
  • Tufts Med has to compete with other Boston hospitals
  • Large research program (and growing)
  • Really liked a PI I met with
  • Highly ranked for primary care
  • Only major medical center in the area
  • Worcester
  • Current students weren't as great as Tufts students
  • Admissions dep't has been difficult to deal with and other have said UMass doesn't have good administration

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As a MA resident more familiar with UMass, and incoming MD/PhD, I think that you should focus on the research opportunities the most here. You will get excellent clinical exposure in both Worcester and Boston, but I will say Boston is a very segregated city in terms of medical access so idk what population Tufts sees most. My decision was based on which of my options had the most labs in my field I'd be happy to join, and what I thought of the current students even more so than my fellow interviewees. If the current students at either just seemed more balanced/cool, to me that would mean the MSTP there hasn't completely killed their happiness lol. Finally, how supportive were the admins of each? They can make your life way easier or harder over the next 8 years.

Congrats and good luck with your choice! If you want to bounce ideas off someone I'd be happy to.