Unique cases looking for opinion on how to go about it

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7+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2016
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So I'm applying to Optometry school but I want to know how to go about my application.

My case is as follows: I finished 2 years of undergrad classes and then went to a Caribbean medical school that was still opening up (worse decision of my life even though my parents forced it upon me). But anyway I did 2 years of that and when I took my first USMLE step1 ( the first board) I failed twice (I just wasn't that into it... It was a gut feeling that I wasn't cut out to be in that medical field but going against my parents was like WW3). Some months after the second failure on the exam the school closed down (long story). And then was diagnosed with RA. I was in this darkness emotionally because of all this situation etc.

Fast forwarding it to today... I'm finishing up my bachelors (I'll be done Dec. of 2018). I found the optometry field more appealing to me and can actually see myself doing it and is where I'm gearing my focus.

So my question is: In your guys opinion should I include my back story on the personal statements or not? When it comes interview time, if they ask personal questions about my timeline etc how would one go about explaining it without making me sound like a lost cause? I need some help with formulating how to go about all this since it's so hard to come to terms with it myself. Thanks for any advice you may give!!!

If you're going to be straight negative about it just don't bother commenting.. I've already put myself through it long enough

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Hi, I 100% think that you should include all of this in your personal statement and discuss it during interviews. Having a personal story strengthens your statement and stands you out as a unique applicant. I know I went in depth with my personal statement and schools took a lot of interest in that. The main thing is just stressing how you grew and learned from your adversity and what kind of positive steps you took forward to progress in life.

You are not a lost cause! It only shows your grit and strength for going through such difficulties but still pursuing your dreams. I'm positive schools will be impressed and will definitely take your situation into consideration. Good job on finishing your bachelors! Make sure you shadow a ton and good luck with applications!
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