University of Iowa MSTP vs University of Kansas MD-PhD

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5+ Year Member
Mar 2, 2018
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Howdy all! I've received the privilege of being accepted to two wonderful MD-PhD programs. However, I have been having an extremely difficult time choosing between the two schools. I have been given the deadline to accept my offer to one of these schools by March 25th. For some context, my research interests lie in oncology, immunology, and, potentially, nephrology.
University of Iowa MSTP
  • Accredited MSTP that has been established for quite a while= larger class size!
  • "Higher" ranked in residency director reputations, US News (I know, I know....)
  • Seems to have a more rigorous medical school curriculum
  • Humanities program/distinction track, Iowa City is also a big creative writing center (Writing and Film are very important to me)
  • Bigger stipend
  • Good cancer and immunology research
  • Iowa City seems like a really nice place to live and work, really enjoyed the community here
  • Less familiar with living in this city, would be my first time living away from my parents and support system
  • Of the researchers I've met so far to figure out summer research rotations, I haven't really been super drawn to anyone yet.
University of Kansas MD-PhD
  • Have been participating in biomedical research every summer here since high school, I'm very familiar with the school
  • Can potentially continue living with my parents (I stayed with them during college as well)- very close to support system and opportunity to save money
  • New updated med school curriculum is very interactive and has interesting supplemental instruction weeks
  • Already connected with two potential PhD mentors here who I would be more than happy to work with
  • Seeing the "same old faces" from high school and college for the next 8 years
  • No established connection to humanities/arts
  • Smaller stipend, not accredited
  • "Lower" ranked. Still midtier though
Basically, I am being confronted with the question of comfort vs challenge. I will definitely be comfortable at the University of Kansas but I will likely be pushed more at the University of Iowa. They are both great midtier institutions. I am trying to choose the school that will keep my options open outside of "just" the midwest for residency programs in the future. Any advice would be extremely helpful, thank you so much!

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Iowa! More people in your cohort = more friends when your other friends move on to clinicals and graduate. Larger stipend is a plus and you liked the city. A change of environment could be nice since you’ve seen the same people in Kansas for a while - but a strong support network would be nice so I guess that’s something to consider